Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

How to Kill Roundworm

    • 1). Treat the infected animal once you suspect that he has roundworm. A vet will prescribe a dewormer which is given orally to the pet. The medicine will typically anesthetize the worms and enable them to pass through the stool.

    • 2). Get rid of the animal feces right away, especially after giving a dewormer. Use gloves and dispose of feces found within your home or yard in a sealed plastic garbage bag. If the feces are not thrown away immediately, you have an increased chance of human infection.

    • 3). Expose the larvae to extreme heat. Removing the feces will not necessarily kill the roundworms and their eggs. However, extreme heat sources can prove effective. Flaming contaminated areas or placing feces into a contained outdoor fire source can work. However, only do this if you abiding all fire regulations. If roundworms are in your yard, they will die more quickly in sunny areas than in the shade.

    • 4). Exterminate any mice or rodents on your property. This should be done in order to kill roundworm and prevent infection, since rodents are often carriers of the disease.

    • 5). Give the infected animal a preventative medication in order to reduce the possibility that the roundworms will return. Heartgard Plus is given once a month and protects against both heartworms and roundworms.

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