Business & Finance Corporations

Observing Fire Regulations To Avoid Disaster

In workplaces, such as offices, hotels, shops, commercial establishments, universities and hospitals, and other places that have a certain group of people in it, fire safety and fire regulations must be strictly observed. The fire regulations help ensure that fire does not just break out within the premises as stipulations are given to achieve a certain level of protection against any fire occurrence. The premises will undergo a comprehensive audit and a fire risk assessment that will clearly delineate the fire safety precautions to be taken. This assessment will have to be duly documented.

Fire Safety Measures

In minimizing the incidence of fire, a fire risk assessment must be done in accordance with fire safety and fire regulations, and should detail the necessary safeguards and precautionary measures for the premises. The provision of emergency escape routes and exit doors is a vital part of the fire safety measures to be taken. It is important to note, especially for the owners of establishments, that the emergency exit doors must swing outward only, and never inward, and sliding or revolving doors must never be used as fire exit doors.

Emergency lighting systems that would address illumination within the premises even when power outages occur is also a must in fire safety. Fire detection and alarm systems as well as appropriate and adequate fire fighting equipment and appliances should also be prioritized in the setting up of fire safety measures. Fire exit and warning signs must also be put in place, including instructional signs that tell people where and how to use the fire fighting equipment.

Training of the personnel is vital in order to make them understand the rudiments of the different fire safety measures and to make sure that they know how to correctly respond during fire emergencies. There should also be a clear and documented fire fighting plan that the personnel must be trained for when confronting a fire.

Equipment and Systems Maintenance

The governing fire safety and fire regulations give clear instructions as to the urgency of seeing to it that the different fire protection systems like the fire extinguishers, fire hoses, fire detection and alarm systems, and fire sprinkler systems are kept in good working order and condition through proper and regular testing and maintenance. These maintenance activities must also be properly documented.

It is the responsibility of the property owners or managers to designate qualified and able personnel to take charge in implementing the different fire safety measures put into place. The designated personnel must be properly and adequately trained by fire experts and they should be at the forefront in the conduct of fire risk assessment and management. The property owners and managers must be fully appraised of the different fire safety regulations and must take the lead in guiding their personnel toward the proper implementation of these fire safety measures and Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance & Testing.

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