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Pick 4 Tricks Exposed!

When I was young, I was advised by my mother time and again to never, ever, ever gamble. This most likely stemmed from the fact that my father was a drunkard and a gambler and we almost lost our house because of this but that is for another story. I am here though, because it is a good thing that I did not heed my mother's advice because if I did, I would never have learned about the Pick 4 tricks that I am using right now to have a relatively stable income that paid for my car, my home and my new entertainment complex in my basement. These Pick 4 tricks actually came to me through experience, hard work, intuition, through reading about other Pick 4 tricks and maybe even a dash of clairvoyance which I think I am lucky to have.

Here are some Pick 4 tricks that I am sharing with all of you for free.

€ Acknowledge the fact that Pick 4, just like other lottery games, is governed by probability. The higher is your probability to win, the better your chances are in raking dough. Here are some very interesting statistics about Pick 4:

-If you place just one bet, your chance of hitting in spot on is one in ten thousand. (As opposed to the one in every thousand chance to win a Pick 4 game if you place only one bet).

-You can do four digits using the same number 10 times. Like 1111.

-There are two hundred seventy ways to combine numbers in such a way that there are two digits that appear twice, as in 1122.

-There are three hundred sixty ways to combine digits in which one digit is seen three times and the remaining digit is 1, like in 2221.

-There are four thousand three hundred twenty ways to combine numbers in such a way that one digit is seen twice. As seen in 1123.

-There are five thousand forty ways to combine four digits differently, like 1234.

€ One of the long standing Pick 4 tricks in the lottery community is the box 24 method. What you do is think of a 4 digit combination. Like 1234. Then think of 24 ways on how to write this, making sure you do not duplicate any set, example, 1234, 1324, 1423, 1432 and so on. This changes your probability of winning from 1 in ten thousand to 1 in 416 chances. Better odds, better chances of winning.

€ Lastly, be very patient in streamlining and polishing your own set of Pick 4 tricks. You will never succeed if at first try, you end up losing thousands in a year. When I started, I lost thousands of dollars that I was afraid I was turning out to be just some gambler who wasted her money for nothing but I persisted and look at me now, a homeowner that shares her Pick 4 experiences so others may benefit.

Again, winning the pick 4 is one of the best feelings you can ever get. Using proven winning strategies will make you rich over time playing the pick 4 lottery. I wish you the best of luck!

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