Health & Medical Nutrition

Red Yeast Rice - Cholesterol Lowering Supplement

In recent months, red yeast rice has received a lot of attention from the medical community because there is hope that it may be a great alternative to prescription cholesterol medication.
I will attempt to offer some background about the substance, what it is, and finally how it can help you.
What is Red Yeast Rice? By reading the name you can understand fully that it is a rice that is covered in a red fungus.
Like the yeast you use to make bread rise or to make beer, it naturally occurs in nature with rice.
As spelled out for you in the name, it is a red substance that coats some kinds of rice.
In China, medical experts have found ancient writings about this miracle substance that recounted its amazing effects in improving stomach problems, improved the circulatory system, and spline function.
This news of this amazing substance has been taken very seriously because it can be an alternative to prescription cholesterol drugs.
Many people know that these types of drugs carry with them the risk for extremely severe muscle conditions that lead to death.
What are the benefits? Studies at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that the substance successful reduced the levels of bad cholesterol (or ldl) in the blood.
The blind study was conducted by offering half of the group 2 tablets of 600 mg red yeast rice to one group and placebo (sugar pills) tot eh other group with instructions for improving diet, exercise, and relaxation.
Statistically, the study proved that the group who received red yeast rice showed reduced levels of bad cholesterol.
The group saw no decrease in good cholesterol or important blood enzymes (as is common with cholesterol drugs) The study proved that this amazing substance can definitely improve cholesterol numbers and help people who are unable to take prescription drugs.
How Does Red Yeast Rice Work? Red yeast rice is a product of fermentation by monascus purpureus a kind of fungus that grows on rice.
The fermentation process creates a substance called lovastatin.
This substance is exactly the same as in the drugs that conventional medicine offers to patients.
Even more amazing is that it works without the side effects or the high price of those other drugs.
Lovastatin works by preventing the liver from producing more cholesterol to send to the rest of your body.
There is debate as to whether or not red yeast rice is a drug or a supplement because of this naturally occurring substance, lovastatin.
Where Do I Find It? There are many supplements that contain red yeast rice.
Unfortunately, not all of them are effective.
Some do not actually contain the much needed lovastatin.
If the supplement version does not contain this ingredient it is almost completely worthless.

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