Abstract Mind
Daniela says:
I'm 28 years old. I have a wonderful family and amazing friends. I love to love anyone really. Painting has been apart of my life always as my pop was/is an amazing artist. He taught me how to paint. It is a funny little story because after a few years of lessons we started to disagree on stuff. I said to Pop I don't think you can teach me anything else because he encouraged realism a lot and all I wanted to paint was abstract.
Painting what was in my mind. This is a a photo of one of my first hung pieces of art.
Letting go. A spiritual walk through life has bought me here. The mother of all earths has inspired me and God has allowed her to. This Web site has helped me to open up and share what I've been taught and I suppose that was the process because I've found so much inspiration here. Like how love is best shared, so the joy for loving life and far beyond that was and still is where all creativity lies. Maybe I did it too quick but looking at it now makes me feel loved because finally I've embraced life.
she felt, she cried, she woed away years,
her tears became fears she takes blame
she closed off and lost sight the world she began to fight,
the lesson was there is no blame, to point or to take, a choice was made
it sounds insane, how much pain for a lesson most valuable
anger has no gain
she felt, she sighed, she woed away years.
I'm 28 years old. I have a wonderful family and amazing friends. I love to love anyone really. Painting has been apart of my life always as my pop was/is an amazing artist. He taught me how to paint. It is a funny little story because after a few years of lessons we started to disagree on stuff. I said to Pop I don't think you can teach me anything else because he encouraged realism a lot and all I wanted to paint was abstract.
Painting what was in my mind. This is a a photo of one of my first hung pieces of art.
My "Inner Artist" Process
Letting go. A spiritual walk through life has bought me here. The mother of all earths has inspired me and God has allowed her to. This Web site has helped me to open up and share what I've been taught and I suppose that was the process because I've found so much inspiration here. Like how love is best shared, so the joy for loving life and far beyond that was and still is where all creativity lies. Maybe I did it too quick but looking at it now makes me feel loved because finally I've embraced life.
Poem I wrote may best explains this:
she felt, she cried, she woed away years,
her tears became fears she takes blame
she closed off and lost sight the world she began to fight,
the lesson was there is no blame, to point or to take, a choice was made
it sounds insane, how much pain for a lesson most valuable
anger has no gain
she felt, she sighed, she woed away years.