Health & Medical Women's Health

Consult the internet for happy pregnancy!

When you enter the second trimester of your pregnancy, a wave of happiness flows all around you, mainly because the feeling of nausea and morning sickness subsides and the chances of miscarriage get almost over! So, it brings a good sign of healthy weeks of pregnancy ahead.

At the initiation of the second trimester, when you become 13 weeks pregnant, you will feel more energetic and buoyant than before and you begin to fall in love with your pregnancy during this phase of happiness and glee! As discussed earlier, you overcome the problem of queasiness and nausea and life seems to be enchanting! Your body starts making colostrum at this phase, preparing for the first milk that feeds your baby straightaway after birth.

A 13 weeks pregnant woman might feel tenderness in breasts      and might also feel some abdominal pain which is also referred as ‘round ligament pain'. You might also notice that the veins on your body are now more visible than before and this happens mainly because of the increased blood supply in your body. This makes sure that the required nutrients are supplied to the baby in the most effective manner!

Your baby's finger prints form during this period and taste and smell buds also begin to develop at this stage. It is important to note that when you become 13 weeks pregnant, your baby's bone marrow starts creating white blood cells desired for fighting against infection after birth. So, all in all, this is a very crucial stage of your pregnancy!

Later, as you become 17 weeks pregnant you will notice that at times you might lose your balance, and so it becomes necessary that you wear low-heeled footwear as a preventive measure. Breathlessness and increased vaginal discharge are few of the other symptoms that you can witness during this period. Your baby bump will be more visible at this stage, adding a few more pounds to your increasing weight.

When you become 17 weeks pregnant, your baby's movements will increase and you will notice the little flutters now if you were unable to observe them before. The baby is developing rapidly at this stage and its skeleton is toughening from rubbery cartilage to bone. Brown fat, which is vital for body heat generation, starts to accrue round the skeleton. All things considered, this week of pregnancy comes with several developments in the baby and in your body, and thus, it becomes very necessary to have proper diet. A good amount of vitamin D and calcium is needed to be included in your diet to make the teeth and bones of the baby healthy.

All these points and fundamentals are essential to be taken care of and for all such knowledge you can visit online and gain further information about all the weeks of your pregnancy. Wish you a happy pregnancy and a healthy baby!

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