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From Regional to International-Ogaden Youth Holds Conferences Around the Globe

From regional to International: Ogaden Youth and Students Union held conferences around the Globe amid to draw the international attention what the Organisation says,"The Forgotten Genocide in Ogaden region".A region banned humanitarian agencies and the International media to have an access in part of hiding the atrocities committed at Ogaden Region by the Ethiopian Army and its allied Militia.

Ogaden Youth and Students Union occasionally holds conferences with local and International NGOs,Human Rights activists in part of advocating for human rights and holds annual event:Cultural festival at which the OYSU members display exhibitions:artistic achievements,Ogaden dishes,traditional utensils worth to mention eating utensils such as wooden spoons,plates itc and of course,perform Ogaden traditional dancing which is due to 25 Dec to show the World What makes Somalis from Ogadenia,Ogadenians.

One of the last great events of OYSU took place in South Africa and they had a conference with members from Youth For Human Rights,South Africa and they are planning to hold in United Kingdom and Canada within these Month.

"The OYSU has taught me about strength,a nation that have been suppressed for long and still has the will to be free.Youth for Human Rights South Africa supports OYSU Organisation and will continue to tell the people about the Ogaden Situation and are looking forward to work with Ogaden Youth and Students Union in the Future",said Maurithus Meiring,The Director of Public affairs of the Youth for Human Rights That is based in South Africa.

Ogaden Youth and Students Union or OYSU has thousands of activities around the Globe and has 42 diplomatic missions around the World. Social Media empowered the Organisation and it took advantage both the advanced technology and the term of Global village.They arrange meetings via Teleconference and/or Skype Conference.

"We believe that youths are the backbone of every society on earth and we play our role for educational awareness programs as you know we say, "Education is light" and we interact with the youths almost any country that we have an Office.",said Abdi Jamal Abdullahi Mohammed, The Information Secretary of OYSU in an email response.

UN recognizes the value of the youth and that's why the body established Global Youth Umbrella it is a force that can be used both negative and positive sides,moreover when they voluntarily connect each other in a global manner they can achieve many things-for volunteering a noble cause.

"I definitely think we have the passion and potential to create some peaceful positive change that we need in this world",Said Mr. Mohammed

Established in Denmark in June 27th, 2010,The Ogaden Youth and Students Union or OYSU is a non-governmental,non-profit Organisation as the name refers to OYSU consists of youth educators around the Globe that their mission is to advocate for the rights of the youth, Students, children in diaspora and in Ogaden Region as well as promoting and advocating for justice,Freedom and a lasting peace in Ogaden Region

OYSU members highlighted the human rights abuses being committed at oil-rich yet impoverished Ogaden Region which, borders Djibouti,Oromia, Kenya and Somalia and many of its residents are ethnic Somali Muslims. The region was Italian and British-colony, but in 1954, Britain handed over the region secretly to Ethiopia, a decision rejected by the Ogaden Somali population who have since fought for full independence.

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