Business & Finance Business News

Independent Contractor Vs. Employee and the New IRS Provisions Training Event

Employee miss-classification is a growing problem. In 2011 alone, the Wage and Hour Division found that more than $5.3 million in back wages was due to more than 7,700 employees who had been miss-classified. These staggering amounts lead the Secretary of Labor to sign a memorandum of understanding with the former Internal Revenue Service that will improve departmental efforts to end the business practice of miss-classifying employees.

Why should you attend?
The Internal Revenue Service has initiated a tax compliance program that will help many employers to resolve past worker classification issues and achieve certainty under the tax law at a low cost rather than waiting for an IRS audit. For a limited time- IRS has launched VCSP - Temporary Eligibility Expansion VCSP TEE which is available through June 30, 2013. Learn about the new provision and how to compute the worksheet.

At the same time, the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division have launched a concentrated enforcement initiative which aims to curtail the trend that resulted from employees being miss-classified as independent contractors or otherwise not treated as employees. The Wage and Hour Division investigators promised to make unannounced visits. This move by the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division should put all employers on notice and create the need to reevaluate the employment relationship that exist within their organization for compliance.

Equally, significant the Department of labor now has an enforcement data website and App where all companies who violate wage law can be search out by the public. Like everyone knows: bad publicity is bad for business bottom line.

Hence this seminar aims at helping employers define the right employment relationship; explain the new IRS VCSP TEE provision and computation, identify ways to avoiding IRS audit and practical ways to mitigating the risk of wage claim. This seminar is a must for any employer seeking to re-classify its workforce and employers under IRS audit and /or preparing for IRS audit.

Areas Covered:
Independent Contractor vs. Employee- Definition
Factors IRS consider when determining workers status
Section 530 Relief Requirement for business under IRS Audit
Voluntary Classification Settlement Program, Program
VCSP - Temporary Eligibility Expansion VCSP TEE
How to fill VSCP TEE worksheet
Mitigating the Risk of Wage Claims

Learning objectives:
Define the right employment relationship
Discover IRS method of determining workers status
Understand the Relief Requirement for business under IRS Audit
The benefit of Voluntary Classification Settlement Program- Temporary Eligibility Expansion
Learn how to compute the VSCP TEE worksheet
See the exact amount to pay for the workers you intend to reclassify
Discover ways to mitigate the risk of wage claim

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