Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Ready to Build a Carport? Start With a Good Set of Carport Plans

A carport is not just a place to park your automobile but when you give some thought to the planning and design the result can be a beautiful, durable and at the same time functional addition to your home.
While a carport won't provide the total protection of a garage it will, nevertheless, protect your car from environmental elements such as rain, wind and snow.
A well designed carport will be easily accessible and convenient while being an asset to your property.
Carports can be build as a stand alone structure or attached to your house.
In either case it provides additional parking space and functionality like a garage.
A well designed carport will be easily accessible and convenient while being an asset to your property.
When you're preparing your carport plans, site selection is extremely important.
If you are considering a location where the ground retains or receives a lot of moisture, then you should also provide for proper drainage.
You'll want to use lumber that is pressure-treated to minimize rotting.
In addition, you should pay close attention to your primary support posts.
Check for the possibility of the post shifting over time due to sandy or waterlogged soils.
In areas where the ground freezes make sure the post holes are dug down below the frost line.
For areas with too much snow or rainfall, always remember to build a roof that has sufficient pitch to provide for adequate runoff.
All complete carport plans will provide a list of the materials that you will need for the project.
For your primary structural support, you can use wood posts such as 4x4s or 4x6s that are carefully sunk in concrete.
The use of heavy-duty bolts in assembling different parts of the carport is also highly recommended.
This will give you the flexibility to enlarge, disassemble or even move your carport at a later date if needed.
You have a few options for the carport floor which will be determined, in large part, by your budget.
The easiest and least expensive it just to leave it as dirt.
Other choices include gravel, concrete, or even asphalt.
The most common configuration for a carport roof is either a gable or gambrel design.
The gable is the easiest to construct, however, the gambrel has the added benefit of providing overhead storage space.
If your carport will be attached to your house then the roof will be a single plane slanting away from the building where it is attached.
The shingles of the carport should match those of your home to maintain consistency in both structures.
If you have a good set of carport plans you should have no trouble constructing any of these.
Before you begin any construction project make sure you check with your local building inspector as you will need a building permit.
You'll also want to be aware of any building codes that would apply to your location.
In summary, start with a good set of carport plans and follow them diligently.
The result will be a completed project of which you can be proud and will provide enjoyment for many years to come.

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