Home & Garden Architecture

Moss Resistant Roof Shingles

    Copper Coating

    • An invisible coating of copper on each shingle's surface repels moss, lichens, fungus and algae. Asphalt shingles can have copper or zinc flakes built into their granular surface. Moss repelling shingles usually weigh more than standard shingles and are thicker than standard shingles. The copper or zinc embedded in the shingle's surface prevents the root system of the moss from penetrating the shingles and destroying the roofing.

    Solid Copper Shingles

    • A homeowner can opt for solid copper roofing shingles, which repel moss. Once installed they require virtually no maintenance. Some companies offer a 50 year warranty on copper roofing shingles. Copper shingles are also fire resistant. Copper shingles are lighter than standard asphalt types. Environmentally-friendly, solid copper shingles are also recyclable.


    • A wood shingle roof can be treated with a preservative containing copper. Chromated copper arsenate, copper naphthenate and copper 8 quinolinolate help keep wood shingles from weathering and reduce the incidence of algae and moss growth. The preservatives can stain the wood an unsightly green, but pigmented varieties can counter the copper's green effect and color the shingles in different shades.


    • Affixing copper, zinc or aluminium strips to the ridge of a roof can kill moss. Rainfall will wash the metals over the shingles and kill the moss.

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