Lessons on Serving God in Difficult Times for Children
- Fear is real for both adults and children. Adults often understand the basis of their fears and move on. For children, who are not always able to fully express their concerns and don't know if what they feel has basis in reality, fear takes on a life of its own. Fear paralyzes and keeps the children from reaching out to God and serving him. Share a lesson about David and Goliath from I Samuel 17. David was the youngest of his brothers and wasn't even supposed to be in battle. He'd come to deliver supplies to his military brothers when he heard Goliath's challenge. All David had was his slingshot. It must have been frightening. David trusted God and defeated the giant. Point out that fear is a giant in their lives that can keep them from serving God. If they go to God with their fear, he will help them. Use Isaiah 41:10 as the memory verse.
- Parents worry about money, not realizing their children worry they will lose their home or have to move. Share a lesson from I Kings 17:8-16. A woman had nothing left to eat or to feed her son. She planned to fix the last of her food and die, but a prophet asked her to fix some of that food for him. She could have told him to go away, but she took a step of faith and trusted God by fixing the meal for Elijah. She served God in the most difficult circumstances. Because she believed, God provided food for her and her son until the famine ended. Explain God will take care of those who trust him. Help children learn Philippians 4:19 as a memory verse.
- Tornadoes, flooding and other weather conditions incite fear, especially when the children deal with more than a bad storm. Floods and tornadoes destroy homes. Teach a lesson using Matthew 8:23-27. Jesus and his disciples were on the lake in a boat when a big storm swirled around them. The disciples were scared, but they knew who could help. They asked Jesus for help and he calmed the storm. They served God by asking him for help and trusting he would. Psalm 46:1 gives children a verse to hold onto during difficult circumstances.
- Children who try to live their faith in front of other children may find some making fun of them. The book of Daniel offers two stories for lessons on standing up for faith in bad circumstances. From Daniel 3, tell about Daniel's three friends who were ordered to bow down to an idol. They refused, because they worshiped the true God. When they refused again, the King threatened to throw them in a fire. They wouldn't stop believing in God, refused to worship another god and were thrown in the fire. They were willing to die for their faith, but God saved them. Their courage changed the king's heart. You can also concentrate the lesson on Daniel in the lion's den from Daniel 6. The memory verse, Joshua 1:9, focuses on courage.