Health & Medical Mental Health

Seven Tips for Improving Your Health

Having a happy social life may be as important to your health as not smoking.
People in a study who not only made good physical health decisions, but also worked on maintaining a satisfying social life, were more likely to be completely healthy compared to people who only followed physical health guidelines.
Keep your social network strong by picking up the phone this weekend and calling an old friend.
Your brain doesn't know you're kidding.
Random thoughts such as, "He gives me a pain," or "This job makes me sick" are viewed by the right brain as instructions.
Think healthy thoughts! A forgiving attitude in close relationships may be especially helpful to your health.
Research suggests that forgiving someone who has wronged you can enhance feelings of well-being.
And a recent study revealed that the association between a forgiving attitude and enhanced well-being is particularly strong in the context of a relationship with a life partner.
Struggling to hide your true feelings may not always be the best health bet.
A recent study revealed that when people discussed a controversial topic but suppressed their emotions about the subject, their blood pressure readings tended to climb.
Over time, chronic spikes in blood pressure could prematurely age the cardiovascular system.
Let your partner know how you really feel about important matters.
Are you a hot head? A less hostile outlook may help keep your heart rhythms steady.
Studies in men revealed that men who are generally hostile or often openly angry may have as much as a 30 percent greater risk of developing irregular heart rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation.
Atrial fibrillation is a risk factor for stroke.
A more carefree attitude may help keep your mind young.
Chronic worry was linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline in a recent study.
Obsessive worriers had more than double the risk of decline compared to their more carefree peers.
Kick worries to the curb by writing them down in a journal or talking them out with people you love.
Also, work on decisive plans of action for worries that won't go away.
Are you afraid to try new things? Diving in more often could mean living a longer life.
There may be a link between a fear of novel situations and a shorter life span, according to research.
Of course, shyness and vigilance have their time and place.
But if you've nothing to fear but fear itself, take a leap of faith the next time you are presented with an opportunity to experience something new.

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