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Catalase And Grey HairThe Facts

For many years now, premature greying of hair has been blamed on a lot of things; stress, sun, kids and what not! However, it seems like finally there is a real culprit to be blamed and science has finally found it. The stories of Catalase and grey hair are not very old, but everybody is now catching up to them. But beware that not everything you hear about the guilty Catalase is true; there are as many myths as facts out there!

What Is Catalase?
Catalase and grey hair are increasingly being associated together by everyone, but the first thing to understand is what Catalase actually is. Catalase is one of the four fighting agents that are naturally produced by our body in order to protect our body against cell damage. This enzyme acts against hydrogen peroxide, breaking it down into simple water and hydrogen that are not harmful. If hydrogen peroxide is not broken down, it acts as a bleaching agent and causes the hair to lose their color becoming grey. With age, the production of Catalase in the body goes down and hydrogen peroxide starts affecting your hair faster.

Often, Catalase production in our body stops at quite an early age causing premature greying of hair. Hereditary factors and lifestyle choices such as smoking or taking stress are considered partially responsible for the decreased production of Catalase and grey hair at an early age.

Can Grey Hair Be Reversed?
A common question that many people speculate nowadays is whether there is a way to stop or reverse the process of greying hair. Since it has been determined that the root cause of grey hair is the lack of Catalase, if it can be recovered in the body, greying hair can be stopped and even reversed. At any age, it is possible to control back the amount of Catalase that is being produced in your body by means of vitamin and supplement intakes.

Zinc, copper and manganese are some minerals that the body uses in the production of Catalase. Supplements or foods rich with these minerals are often a good way to sustain your bodys Catalase level. Eating vegetable, fruits and meat, which usually contains these minerals in a heavy amount can be quite effective. These minerals are also quite commonly available in form of supplements in the market and can be used to stop graying hairs.

Moreover, there are now simple Catalase supplements such as Get Away Grey that are also available in the market (Visit to get these supplements). Since these supplements are natural and reliable, these supplements can also revive the production of Catalase in your body reversing your grey hair back to original color.

How Can Hair Change Color?
The hair that have already grown cannot change their color in any case except when they are dyed. The reversing process of grey hairs actually means that the new hair that will grow on your head after your Catalase production is back to normal will be your natural color. These growing hair will soon replace the grey hair and since the body is producing Catalase normally, these new hair will not be affected by hydrogen peroxide, staying the same color.

So, can grey hair be reversed? Yes, they can be reversed if you are being careful about your mineral intake. Catalase and grey hair are closely related to each other; if you dont want grey hair, start looking for Catalase sources!

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