Woodworking Plans - How to Build a Work Bench
If you are a woodworker, and you still do not have a workbench for your projects, now is the time to make one! Having a workbench will cut the time of your projects in half since you will have somewhere to put everything.
To start out, you need 2x4's, screws and one piece of 26x48" OSB.
The first step is to create a lower rectangular frame.
This is done by screwing four 2x4's into a rectangular pattern using a screwdriver.
Next, the legs need to be made.
To do this, get your 2x4's and screw them into the inner corners of the rectangular base that you made.
The legs should fit very snugly into the frame.
After doing this, you need to made another rectangular frame around the tops of the legs in order to be able to put the sheet of OSB on.
Once the frame has been screwed together, place the sheet of OSB on top of the upper rectangular frame and screw sheet of OSB into place.
Saw off any excess OSB that doesn't fit perfectly on the upper frame.
You want to do that because if you are using heavy equipment, the OSB won't support the weight without the help of the frame, so the OSB would snap and lead to a nasty injury.
This is a very important step and precaution.
If done correctly, the workbench is complete.
Now you can officially call yourself a woodworker! You may now go off and repair or build anything you please with the help of your new workbench.
To start out, you need 2x4's, screws and one piece of 26x48" OSB.
The first step is to create a lower rectangular frame.
This is done by screwing four 2x4's into a rectangular pattern using a screwdriver.
Next, the legs need to be made.
To do this, get your 2x4's and screw them into the inner corners of the rectangular base that you made.
The legs should fit very snugly into the frame.
After doing this, you need to made another rectangular frame around the tops of the legs in order to be able to put the sheet of OSB on.
Once the frame has been screwed together, place the sheet of OSB on top of the upper rectangular frame and screw sheet of OSB into place.
Saw off any excess OSB that doesn't fit perfectly on the upper frame.
You want to do that because if you are using heavy equipment, the OSB won't support the weight without the help of the frame, so the OSB would snap and lead to a nasty injury.
This is a very important step and precaution.
If done correctly, the workbench is complete.
Now you can officially call yourself a woodworker! You may now go off and repair or build anything you please with the help of your new workbench.