Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Strategies to Improve Morale


    • Allow your employees to air their grievances and express any concerns they may have about their positions by holding staff meetings on a regular basis. This will allow your workforce to get answers to questions they may have and allow you to identify any problems you were previously unaware of. Increase the atmosphere of communication by sharing information about the company with your employees as you learn it. Employees who are kept in the loop feel a sense of belonging within the company. Open communication will also ward off gossip and prevent rumors about the company from being spread.


    • With the increase of dual-income families, an easy way to boost morale is to allow personal time to employees so they are able to take care of family obligations. Offering employees the opportunity to work from home one or two days a week is another way to boost morale through flexibility. Employees who are offered a flexible work schedule are better able to balance family life with work obligations while also saving money on commuting and child care.


    • Treat employees with respect, no matter the situation. Do not yell, swear or otherwise lose your temper with employees. Say "please" when making a request and "thank you" when it is completed. Give compliments to employees for a job well done and make sure that it is done in the presence of others. Reward a variety of employees through respectful admiration for the work they contribute to the company. When you make a mistake, admit to it and apologize. Be tolerant of mistakes made by employees. This will make the employees feel they can come to you with a problem instead of having to hide it out of fear of repercussions.

    Buy Lunch

    • Occasionally buy lunch for the entire staff to boost morale and give you an opportunity to relate with them on a more personal level. Getting to know your employees, as people and not just workers, will help make your employees feel valued. It will also allow employees to see you as more than just a boss and build a sense of camaraderie in the workforce.

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