Messianic Coloring & Lessons for Children
- After Adam and Eve sinned, God shut them out of his perfect garden, but he left them with a promise in Genesis 3:15 that Satan would one day be vanquished by the Messiah. Share the story of the fall with focus on the choice both Adam and Eve made to disobey their loving Creator: Sin is a choice, but God forgives and offers hope to all who come to Him. In the garden, God already had plans to send Jesus. Print out a coloring sheet of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of good and evil or looking up to the sky in remorse. The coloring sheet heading reads, "Adam and Eve Sinned But God Promised a Messiah." Add the verse from Genesis 3:15.
- Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies. Share the story of Christmas, connecting the birth of Jesus to Old Testament prophecy. Isaiah 7:14 says Jesus will be born of a virgin. Genesis 12:1-3, 22:18 says he'll be a descendant of Abraham, Genesis 49:10 of the tribe of Judah and of the house of David in 2 Samuel 7:12-16. Micah 5:2 prophecies the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, while Hosea 11:1 and Jeremiah 31:15 tells of the escape to Egypt and explains why. Ask the children to look up and read out loud the Old Testament references, showing that Jesus' birth was planned long before his parents made the journey to Bethlehem. The children color a picture of the Nativity with the heading "Old Testament Prophets Told People a Messiah Would be Born."
- As you teach about the death and resurrection of Jesus, share that the Old Testament prophets revealed much about the role of the Messiah. Divide the children into groups to look up different prophecy passages. Zechariah 9:9 says the Messiah, as a king, would enter Jerusalem riding a donkey. Psalm 118:22 and Isaiah 53 reveals Jesus would be rejected. Judas, who betrayed Jesus, is portrayed in Psalm 41:9 and Zechariah 11:12. Other passages from Isaiah 53, Palm 22, 34;20, 69:21, Isaiah 50:6 and 52:14 prophecy that the Messiah would be mocked, spit on and beaten, that his hands hands, feet and side would be pierced, but that no bones would be broken. Psalm 16:10 prophecies the resurrection. What happened to Jesus was not a surprise to God. It was planned to provide salvation for humankind from a loving Creator. The children color a sheet with an open tomb with an empty cross in the background. Title the page, "Jesus Fulfilled the Messianic Prophecies."
- After rising again, Jesus, as prophesied in Psalm 68:18, ascended into Heaven where, as prophesied in Psalm 110:1, he sat down at the right hand of God. Both Old and New Testaments prophecy, from Zephaniah 3:8-9, Isaiah 66:15-16, Matthew 24:30 and Revelation 1:7, that the Messiah will return for those who follow him. Share the lesson that Jesus will return again, this time to get rid of evil completely. Explain that Jesus loves each child and will always hear and answer when they talk to him, because he is real. The children color a picture of Jesus, his arms up in blessing. The heading reads, "I Will Never Leave You."