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Why Are There So Many Ads on My Facebook Profile?

    Facebook Account Settings for Ads Shown by Third Parties

    • Sign in to your Facebook account. Click "Account" in the upper right corner and select "Account Settings." Click the tab labeled "Facebook Ads." Click "Edit third-party ad settings." Click the drop-down menu in the middle of the screen and select "No one" or "Only Friends." As of the time of publication, Facebook doesn't allow third-party advertisers to use a person's name or photo in ads. If it allows this in the future, it will abide by your privacy settings and allows advertisers to use your name and photo in ads shown to only your friends or to no one. Click "Save Changes" to confirm your settings.

    Facebook Account Settings for Ads Based on Social Actions

    • If an advertiser is running an ad for a restaurant and one of your Facebook friends already "likes" the restaurant's Facebook page, you may see that friend's name with the ad. To prevent your name from appearing with any ad based on your "likes," you can change your settings. Sign in to your Facebook account. Click "Account" in the upper right corner and select "Account Settings." Click the tab labeled "Facebook Ads." Click "Edit social ads setting." Near the bottom of the page, click the drop-down menu next to "Pair my social actions with ads for" and then select "Only my friends" or "No one." Click "Save Changes" to save your settings.

    How Ads Are Paired With Your Account

    • Advertisers want their ads to appear to a certain demographic, but Facebook does not sell personal account information. Instead, it provides general information to an advertiser about which users fit that requested demographic, and the ads are then shown to only that targeted audience.

    Clicking "Like" on an Ad

    • When an ad displays on your Facebook profile or page, you have the option of clicking "Like" next to it if you support the business or interest advertised. After you click "Like," the advertiser can post information in your newsfeed and your friends will see that you "like" that ad in their newsfeed. To end the connection with the business or interest, "unlike" the Facebook page. Unlike a page by taking the following steps: Go to a Facebook page by typing the name of the page in the search box at the top of your Facebook homepage. You can also go to the "Pages" section of your profile under "Activities and Interests" to find the list of pages you "like" and then click the page you want to "unlike." Click "Unlike" on the left side of the page's profile. Another way to "unlike" a page is to locate a post on your Wall or Newsfeed that states you "like" the page. Click the "x" on the top right of the post, and then select "Unlike Page" from the drop-down menu.

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