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How to Replace the Recoil Spring in an MTD Lawn Mower Motor

    • 1). Put on the safety glasses and gloves. Remove the start handle from the cord by untying the knot. Allow the cord to recoil inside the starter mechanism if it is not broken. This will relieve the tension on the spring.

    • 2). Remove the screws from the starter housing using a Phillips screwdriver. Pull the starter mechanism from the MTD mower engine. Remove the sheave covering the spring. Take your time and do this carefully so the spring does not fly out.

    • 3). Remove the spring from the circular recess and release the retaining pin using a pair of pliers. Place the new spring into the housing and attach the outer eye to the retaining pin. This is the end with no bend in it.

    • 4). Coil the new spring into the opening and secure the other end with a pair of pliers to connect the pin to the housing. Feed the starter cord through the eye on the starter housing. Insert the cord through the handle and tie a knot at the end to secure the handle.

    • 5). Turn the sheave slowly until you feel the spring begin to tighten. Unwind the spring one full turn after you begin to feel it tighten. Slowly release pressure on the sheave so that it gently draws the starter cord into the housing. Replace the starter on the mower engine and tighten the retaining screws using a Phillips screwdriver.

    • 6). Pull the starter out and release it several times to test the recoil spring.

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