Home & Garden Furniture

A Planned Kit Take You Miles

Desires and needs vary from person to person, and thus all types of Exhibition stand design are available in the market, from custom Exhibition stand design to that of more cost effective modular exhibition stand. Any way the types of Exhibition stand design are as follows:

i)                     Custom design exhibition stand: It is an exhibition solution, tailored to fit specific needs and design to keep the company ahead of the competition.

ii)                   Modular exhibition stand: For numbers or consecutive numbers of shows, modular exhibition stand is a cost effective approach to produce unique solution in displaying the message. It comprises of the laptop display, projectors and over head projectors, Canvass units, the simple out door display stands.

iii)                  Shell Scheme upgrade: There are upgraded peripherals, and screen display which makes a real difference. It is not necessary to pace the hoarding adjacent to the stall but can be any where. One way of operating this shell scheme is with the help of a person on stage talking about the item and other details, projected over head. It really makes one stand out of the crowd without straining the budget.

There are actually exhibition stand designers to design the stands, and their main work is not only to build, design and install, but consult with the clients, brief their ideas and try to offer much more than "just that", on the stands.

Now, the next issue is trade show supplies. There are trades which deals with trade show supplies, with the main objective of providing top brand exhibit solution to companies, which may be even through special events, face to face sales environment. A trade show supply exists for the exhibitor who chooses to take control of his / her trade show marketing program.

A well stocked trade show kit is crucial for a successful exhibition. Some experienced exhibit staff can be consulted to suggest on important items that are required in a trade show kit. Anyway a well shaped trade show supplies must include the following things:

i)                     Some common Banner / boards display tools like a hammer, screw driver and a wrench. These tools are sometimes termed as display repair kit.

ii)                   If lighting fixtures are required, then extension cords, power strips, and some spare light bulbs are must.

iii)                  Enough numbers of lead forms and business cards must be in the stock.

iv)                  Enough of official supplies such as pens, pencils, folders, staplers, box cutters, highlighters, scissors, and tapes.

v)                   Appointment calendar, and phone contact list

vi)                  Personal hygiene items are vital, which consist of the exhibit cleaning supplies, paper towels, glass cleaner, breath mints, hand cleaner, first aid kit, including some pain reliever tablets.

I agree, while it may consume time to collects all these items, accumulate and carry along, it could save the day in long run, since one doesn't have to run around stalls for spares, and it can eventually save your face , should a problem occur at the show. If the exhibitor is unprepared, it can easily break the exhibitor's ability to achieve the objective.

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