Pets & Animal Horses

Learn to Ride a Horse Free Email Course

Are you looking for step-by-step instructions on how to learn to ride a horse? Here are the basics of horseback riding in a free email course. The Learn to Ride Email Course will arrive in your email inbox once a week for eight weeks. You'll learn what you need to know to ride a horse starting with understanding how to lead a horse safely, grooming a horse before riding, saddling and bridling, getting on and learning to walk, trot and canter/lope.


The Learn to Ride Email Course will also help you learn to ride safely in an arena or ring or out on trail. When your ride is over, you will learn to get off of the horse, unsaddle, cool it out and reward it for a job well done.

You can't learn to ride from a website, book or video. The best way to learn is from a competent coach. But this learn to horseback ride course will help you understand what you'll be learning once you're on a horse. In addition to the course, you also have access to several other resources that can help you as you learn to ride. 

The Horses website also offers tons of information, all focused on new horse owners and riders. And of course, if you have a question, you can also contact me, Katherine Blocksdorf, Expert to Horses, either by email or through several social networking websites. I'm always glad to help.

Sign up now for the Learn to Ride a Horse Email Course.


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