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How to Get Rid of Starling Birds

    • 1). Identify where the starlings are spending much of their time. Focus your efforts on these locations.

    • 2). Remove any food sources. Do not put out bird feeders and cover fruit trees that may be attracting the starlings with netting.

    • 3). Prevent the birds from nesting in vents or holes in your house. This can be done by covering vents, chimneys and other holes with galvanized wire hardware cloth. The openings in the wire cloth will not obstruct the flow of air, making it safe to use on your home.

    • 4). Use scare tactics to keep the birds away. This can be done by hanging reflective streamers and plastic owls in trees and at nest locations that are being used by the starlings.

    • 5). Remove nests and eggs. This can be done by hosing down the nests or physically removing the nests.

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