Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Liability and the Approach a Car Accident Lawyer May Take

Car accidents occur with an alarming degree of frequency. In some cases, a car accident is an unfortunately impossible event to avoid. In other scenarios, the negligence of another party is at fault for the accident. Those who have been injured due to the fault of a negligent driver realize they should contact a car accident lawyer. What they might not realize, however, is a discussion at a personal injury lawyer Ottawa firm just might reveal a much larger picture of the damages that can be awarded.

There are certain scenarios that clearly offer no shades of gray. A person who gets behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated and causes an accident after going through a red light is likely going to have a hard time winning a lawsuit. A good car accident lawyer would likely get such a person to settle the suit rather quickly. There are other parties, however, that might also be negligent in the situation. This includes even those who were not at the scene of the accident. Such an assessment might seem incredulous if not outright bizarre. Again, a meeting at personal injury lawyer Ottawa firm might center on determining if others contributed to the injuries associated with the accident.

A closer examination of a hypothetical scenario shows how such things occur.

Once again, a drunk driver may commit a moving violation that cause injury to the occupants of another car. Upon close inspection, problems with both vehicles involved with the accident are discovered. The drunk driver might have pressed his foot on the brakes, but they did not work as expected. It turns out the car was taken in for brake repair work and the garage did a poor job. Similarly, the car of the innocent injured party possessed improperly functioning airbags. An inspection reveals a manufacturer's defect in the airbags.

An experienced car accident lawyer will be quick to point out something a layperson might never realize. Since the brakes and the airbags contributed to injuries in the accident, the garage owner and the manufacturer might both share some liability and can be named defendants in the suit.

The professionals at a personal injury lawyer Ottawa firm look at all auto accidents from a variety of different angles. They have to because the issue of liability can be more diverse and complex than initially thought. Hence, hiring the right car accident lawyer is a must to achieve a desirable outcome.

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