Technology Electronics

The Talking Alarm Clock Revolution

Technology has changed, but for the most part our alarm clocks have remained virtually the same, or at least that was the case until a handful of today's technology pioneers decided that it was time to bring the alarm clock into the technological age. The talking alarm has been present in cinema for years, however only recently has it been available to the public at large, and this article will cover a few of the ways that the talking alarm is making headway into our daily lives.


The Japanese are generally ahead of the game when it comes to innovative technology, and in the world of talking alarms this is no exception, but the Japanese have taken the talking alarm in an altogether new direction. Clockman is a bedside talking alarm invented in Japan that not only wakes you up but persistently nags you until you finally make it out the door for work. An intentionally annoying alarm, once you've moved out on your own Clockman is a bit like your mother use to be, vicariously urging you onwards when inside you really just crawl your way back into bed.


Wakeful is a BlackBerry alarm that has was born soon after the movie Ironman was released. In the movie, Jarvis is the name of the automated system that is hooked into the Ironman's home, and in the movie Jarvis appropriately wakes us up to Malibu's local weather and surfing conditions. Directly inspired by the movie, Wakeful alarm for BlackBerry will read aloud the local weather from your city, up-to-date news, and also important stock information. A BlackBerry alarm clock for a new technological age, Wakeful promises that we can all share in just a little bit of the Ironman lifestyle.

Talking Car Alarm

When it comes to car alarms, things have been fairly standardized for quite some time - if you get too close or lean on a car, its alarm will go off with a loud and repetitive honking noise. However a few brilliant minds didn't feel this was enough of a deterrent and decided that a car alarm not only had to a traditional alarm sound, but also had to physically tell you to back away from the vehicle. Enter the talking car alarm. With a talking car alarm installed your car will be able to stand up for itself, forcing people to stand away from your car, and a deterrent likely powerful enough to scare off any would-be crook.

Talking Home Alarm

Similar to the talking car alarm, a talking home alarm will protect your home from intruders. Should an intruder break into your home they will be immediately confronted by a talking alarm system warning them to leave immediately. In addition, the alarm can also be used to warn a building's occupants of what type of problem is currently being experienced, such as a fire. Though it may seem that including a voice along with the conventional alarm would be unnecessary, in a world of infinite fire-drills many people have become desensitized to fire alarms, and adding a voice with information about the specific situation in the building can sometimes be the extra push some people need to take action.

The talking alarm is not the first instance of a cinematic vision translating itself into the real world, and it likely won't be the last. Before the cell phone was even a first prototype in the real world, James Bond was happily answering phone calls from the comfort of his car. Today, the Ironman gives us a peak into the alarm clocks of tomorrow, and talking alarms like ClockMan and Wakeful are making this cinematic vision a reality.

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