Business & Finance Loans

How to File For Unemployment in South Carolina?

If you're suffering from a financial blow dealt by the world financial crisis, you can file for unemployment in the different states around the US. If you live in South Carolina, you can easily apply for the unemployment aid and receive your aid after a few weeks.

The bureau handling such claims in the state of South Carolina is the South Carolina Employment Security Commission. How much would you be able to receive? It depends, but a really needy fellow can get as much as $326 upon approval of the application.


The requirements in South Carolina are similar to other states in the US. For one, the nature of your unemployment must not be affected by things like your personal conduct while working, etc. Concisely, you should have been a good worker prior to your unemployment. If you were removed because you have been disruptive and largely unproductive, that would affect your claims for unemployment aid.

Your employer must have also paid the necessary federal taxes that are under your name. The employer, in short, must have been in good standing with the federal government. A good employee from a good business entity deserves the help coming from the state itself.

The South Carolina Employment Security Commission also requires that all claimants must have already earned a particular amount of wages prior to the loss of the job. In exchange for the financial aid, you must also be able to show that you want to find a new job in the soonest possible time and that you are still capable of looking for employment and supporting yourself.

The Documents

Prior to approval of all claims, the South Carolina Employment Security Commission requires that all applicants send in the pertinent information regarding their former employment. In addition, some personal data are required.

Of course, your Social Security number would be required by the South Carolina Employment Security Commission. In addition to this, you must also be able to give the legal names of the companies or businesses that you worked for in the last eighteen months. As an adjunct to this information, the pay rates of the said employers and your total earnings must also be reflected on the documents that you would be submitting.

As part of the identity verification process, you must also produce your driver's license or other legal identification documents provided by the state of South Carolina itself.

Filing It

Aside from the World Wide Web, you may also approach Workforce Centers in South Carolina. Apart from the application for unemployment aid, you would also be required to register with the South Carolina Employment Security Commission.

You would be asked to work with the said commission. This must be accomplished no more than two weeks after the claims had been filed. Make sure you don't forget to accomplish all the forms, and that you don't forget any required, legal documents.

Make sure too, that you're ready to accept any reasonable line of work that may be offered by South Carolina Employment Security Commission.

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