Types of Breast Implants, Risks and Problems
Women get breast implant surgery done to enhance the size and shape of the breasts for cosmetic reasons.
The procedure has become more refined now with improvements in the surgical methods and technology.
It is normally performed with a breast lift for better outcome.
These implants come in various sizes and shapes to choose from.
There are many factors involved in selecting the right type of implant for yourself such as shape, size, positioning, texture, personal anatomy and other such factors.
There are two types of breast implants namely silicone gel filed implants and saline filled implants.
Silicone gel implants have a silicone shell which is filled with silicone gel and saline implants have silicone shell filled with sterile saline liquid.
Saline breast implants are considered better because if it gets ruptured, the saline can be dissolved by the body.
But the disadvantage of the saline implant is that it is more likely to show ripples through the skin.
It is important to choose the right surgeon to perform this procedure; else one can suffer from breast implants problems.
The surgeon should be trained and experienced in this area and fulfills the standard of safety in the patient.
But as with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk and a chance of something going wrong.
Apart from the complications of infections, scarring, bruising, changes in sensations, breast implants problems include certain issues that are unique to this procedure.
The saline and silicone implants have specific risks associated with them respectively.
For this implantation procedure, the woman will be given general anesthesia and an incision will be made depending on the type of implant and body.
Then the implant is inserted and placed in proper position.
The incisions are closed and this procedure may not take more than a couple of hours.
The risks and breast implants problems that can occur are as follows: 1.
Pain in breast 2.
Scarring 3.
Infection 4.
Changes in sensation in nipples 5.
Bleeding 6.
Formation of scar tissue 7.
Hardening in the area around the implant 8.
Problem with shape and size of the implants that is asymmetrical breasts.
Rupture and leak.
Breastfeeding may get difficult 11.
Double bubble: Sometimes the implant may shift below the fold creating a line at the bottom of the breast.
If the saline implant gets ruptured, the saline which is leaked can be dissolved and absorbed by the body.
When a saline implant gets ruptured, it will deflate but silicone implant may have silent ruptures with no visible symptoms.
The silicone implant when ruptured may leak the silicone inside the shell or outside the shell.
If you get a silicone implant, you will have to get an MRI scan after 3 years of the implant and then after 2 years to check for ruptures.
Also having an implant can make mammogram tests difficult to conduct.
Breast implants problems also include problems in breastfeeding.
These implants do not last forever and need to be replaced if there are complications present or if the shape and size of the breasts change with time.
To avoid breast implants problems, it is important to select the right surgeon with right experience.
The procedure has become more refined now with improvements in the surgical methods and technology.
It is normally performed with a breast lift for better outcome.
These implants come in various sizes and shapes to choose from.
There are many factors involved in selecting the right type of implant for yourself such as shape, size, positioning, texture, personal anatomy and other such factors.
There are two types of breast implants namely silicone gel filed implants and saline filled implants.
Silicone gel implants have a silicone shell which is filled with silicone gel and saline implants have silicone shell filled with sterile saline liquid.
Saline breast implants are considered better because if it gets ruptured, the saline can be dissolved by the body.
But the disadvantage of the saline implant is that it is more likely to show ripples through the skin.
It is important to choose the right surgeon to perform this procedure; else one can suffer from breast implants problems.
The surgeon should be trained and experienced in this area and fulfills the standard of safety in the patient.
But as with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk and a chance of something going wrong.
Apart from the complications of infections, scarring, bruising, changes in sensations, breast implants problems include certain issues that are unique to this procedure.
The saline and silicone implants have specific risks associated with them respectively.
For this implantation procedure, the woman will be given general anesthesia and an incision will be made depending on the type of implant and body.
Then the implant is inserted and placed in proper position.
The incisions are closed and this procedure may not take more than a couple of hours.
The risks and breast implants problems that can occur are as follows: 1.
Pain in breast 2.
Scarring 3.
Infection 4.
Changes in sensation in nipples 5.
Bleeding 6.
Formation of scar tissue 7.
Hardening in the area around the implant 8.
Problem with shape and size of the implants that is asymmetrical breasts.
Rupture and leak.
Breastfeeding may get difficult 11.
Double bubble: Sometimes the implant may shift below the fold creating a line at the bottom of the breast.
If the saline implant gets ruptured, the saline which is leaked can be dissolved and absorbed by the body.
When a saline implant gets ruptured, it will deflate but silicone implant may have silent ruptures with no visible symptoms.
The silicone implant when ruptured may leak the silicone inside the shell or outside the shell.
If you get a silicone implant, you will have to get an MRI scan after 3 years of the implant and then after 2 years to check for ruptures.
Also having an implant can make mammogram tests difficult to conduct.
Breast implants problems also include problems in breastfeeding.
These implants do not last forever and need to be replaced if there are complications present or if the shape and size of the breasts change with time.
To avoid breast implants problems, it is important to select the right surgeon with right experience.