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A Tourist Guide For Neubau, Vienna

Are you tired of your old boring city with absolutely no history whatsoever? Do you want to experience the glory and romance of Europe? Vienna, specifically in the district of Neubau, would be one of the best places to go to if you want both that romantic and old Europe feeling to your vacation.
Neubau is just another one of the inner districts of Vienna.
It is the seventh district of the venerable city.
The district of Neubau is located near the heart of the bustle and hustle.
This district was formally established in the year 1850 and is one of the most populated places there, fully equipped with prime shopping centers as well as residential infrastructures and apartments.
It is estimated that the total population of Neubau is around twenty nine thousand people all located in an area around one and a half km².
The district was the site of Vienna's first silk making industries.
Factories that produced the best silk littered that area.
This was before the area's population grew.
Now, Neubau is a major shopping area particularly in Neubaugasse as well as the famous Mariahilfer Straße.
The prestigious Volstheater or the People's Theatre is also located here.
It was erected at around 1889 and was designed by Hermann Helmer along with Ferdinand Fellner.
The designs were planned to coincide with the tenets of historicism.
As the name suggests, the theater was built for the people at their request.
It was particularly requested by Anzengruber, a major playwright, and Thonet, a furniture mogul.
The theater was supposed to expose the masses to literature, both avant-garde and classic.
Even up to today, this tradition is still kept alive with focus on the Austrian plays.
It remains as one of the biggest popular drama theater in Austria.
The Museaumsquartier is also located in Neubau.
This attractive museum has both Baroque style buildings as well as the cutting edge Modern architectural designs by the likes of Manfred Ortner and Laurids.
The Museum was renovated and made room to a large selection of art installations from modern exhibits such as the Wiener Festwochen and from major museums such as the Leopold Museum.

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