Technology Networking & Internet

Staying in Touch Better Using Satellite Internet Over Dial-Up

If you happen to live a bit further away from town than your friends and family, it can be a bit more difficult to stay in touch with people that you genuinely like.
This is due to the fact that those people living in more rural spots are more likely to be dealing with shortcomings in technology.
Since a lot of places in the country do not have cable or broadband internet service, until very recently, the only option available to people was still dial-up internet.
And since cell phones often do not work if you are off the grid, dial-up was the main source of staying in touch with those who were living far away.
But while the days of frustration for using dial-up are not entirely gone, the truth is that a new development, satellite internet, is making it a great deal more convenient for those who happen to live far away to still stay in touch well with their friends and family.
And when you add up the costs of a long-distance phone bill and a roaming cell phone, making that switch to satellite can often mean a lot more than just convenience.
It is also a crucial way you can save a great deal of money, too.
To understand how satellite internet can do all of these different things, it is first helpful to understand the actual differences between satellite and dial-up, and why it can make staying in touch work a lot better.
When you are using dial-up connections to get online, you are depending on the phone line still.
A regular phone line used as a modem cannot handle the speed of data these days.
It could not in the older days of the internet, but now with email clients and various chat programs, dial-up simply cannot get the job done.
In the best-case scenario, it takes forever.
In the worst-case scenario, it simply does not work.
So if you were using dial-up internet before, you were simply unable to get in touch with loved ones other than picking up the phone and dialing.
And that costs a lot of money and leaves you missing out on things like YouTube videos and family photo albums.
But satellite internet makes all of this possible because instead of using a phone line, it uses a network of satellites in space combined with the high-tech technology of a dish in your backyard.
And your backyard can literally be anywhere in the country, without fail, and the signal will still arrive.
Since satellite internet is faster than dial-up, often operating at the same speed of broadband in a regular world wide web connection situation, you can use a whole lot more than just email to stay in touch with your family, too.
Catch up with friends on Facebook by either writing on their walls or even live-chatting.
And turn on your iChat or your MSN Messenger to chat using audio and video, not just text.
For the best way of doing that, you can even sign up for a free Skype account and never have to worry about paying long-distance charges again.
It's truly a world of innovations once you can actually get online at the right speed.

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