Emergency Response For Small Businesses
Emergencies of some kind occur on a daily basis, sometimes several times in the same day. It should come as no surprise that the key to surviving an emergency is being prepared. Chaos and confusion can quickly turn a bad situation into a devastating one. This is true for both the home and the workplace as well. Emergencies are high stress situations, and can be made significantly worse by having not being prepared. The best way to combat this is to have a plan ready to enact should an emergency arise.
Emergency Response plans are a requirement for any workplace. Even fire departments and police stations must have an emergency response plan in place should an emergency occur within their building. These plans, of course, look much different than most businesses emergency plans, whether small or large, but they are still a requirement. Planning and training phases, though, mean nothing on paper. These plans must be studied, understood, and practiced by employees.
When putting together an emergency response plan for a small business, it is important to address those emergencies that are most likely to occur first and work back from those kinds of situations. For instance, a business in a warm climate should not focus all of their energy on a plan for a major blizzard or ice storm. Moreover, a company in a landlocked, northern location does not need to spend as much time on a plan for a hurricane.
Geography plays a large role in the planning process, but the nature of the business must factor in, as well. A company that deals with large sums of money in cash must be concerned with the threat of a robbery. A business that deals with chemicals must be prepared for spills or reactions. Knowing the dangers inherent in the business is vital in the planning process. Fires are a possibility for any business. These should be addressed early in the planning stages. The evacuation procedure for a fire may be similar to many other evacuations. This section of the plan can then be expanded to develop the plans for other kinds of emergencies.
A good plan will also help emergency crews when they arrive on scene. A well thought out and practiced plan may help conserve property damage as well. Steps like closing interior doors when leaving might help control the spread of fire or chemicals. This one step, which may viewed as a small detail, could save the business owner a significant amount of money.
A common meeting place for all employees also helps with getting an accurate head count to make sure everyone is out. An important part of any emergency response plan is to have designated exits for all locations within the building and to mark these clearly. An escape route sign must be located by all doors. Keeping exits clear and accessible is also essential.
Some employees may be designated, in certain emergencies, to stay back and begin the emergency response. This may include a hazardous materials team that is trained and properly equipped to handle small spills. It may be an employee with emergency response training who does a quick sweep of the building with respiratory protection. These duties must be clearly spelled out in the plan, and training and equipment must be supplied. These are extreme cases and should be coordinated with local emergency crews.
The plan must clearly define what an emergency is and what employees, in each of the various jobs or locations, is expected to do. They must be trained in the plan so they know their duties and expectations. Practicing various aspects of the emergency response plan is a key component, as well. Confusion is reduced by practicing and the comfort level rises. Not all aspects of the plan must be practiced, but the most likely scenarios, and the most extreme, should be drilled.
An emergency response plan is not going to cover every possible emergency. It should address the most likely scenarios and then have a general plan in place for major disasters. The evacuation will be much the same for a fire as for a chemical spill. A major storm may require "sheltering-in-place", just as a major hazardous material incident outside the building might. A general plan in place for all emergencies will help build a basic understanding of what is expected. Additional roles and responsibilities may come into play for more specific emergencies. A person should be designated in charge in any situation where the plan is called into play. This person would be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the plan and communicating with emergency crews. A "second-in-charge" should also be designated, or a regular chain or command established, should the first person be unable to perform their duties.
Coordinating with local emergency crews and setting up drills is a good way to practice, and adapt the plan. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has training available to help small businesses develop and implement a good emergency response plan. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration also offers guidance in helping with this planning process.
Emergency Response plans are a requirement for any workplace. Even fire departments and police stations must have an emergency response plan in place should an emergency occur within their building. These plans, of course, look much different than most businesses emergency plans, whether small or large, but they are still a requirement. Planning and training phases, though, mean nothing on paper. These plans must be studied, understood, and practiced by employees.
When putting together an emergency response plan for a small business, it is important to address those emergencies that are most likely to occur first and work back from those kinds of situations. For instance, a business in a warm climate should not focus all of their energy on a plan for a major blizzard or ice storm. Moreover, a company in a landlocked, northern location does not need to spend as much time on a plan for a hurricane.
Geography plays a large role in the planning process, but the nature of the business must factor in, as well. A company that deals with large sums of money in cash must be concerned with the threat of a robbery. A business that deals with chemicals must be prepared for spills or reactions. Knowing the dangers inherent in the business is vital in the planning process. Fires are a possibility for any business. These should be addressed early in the planning stages. The evacuation procedure for a fire may be similar to many other evacuations. This section of the plan can then be expanded to develop the plans for other kinds of emergencies.
A good plan will also help emergency crews when they arrive on scene. A well thought out and practiced plan may help conserve property damage as well. Steps like closing interior doors when leaving might help control the spread of fire or chemicals. This one step, which may viewed as a small detail, could save the business owner a significant amount of money.
A common meeting place for all employees also helps with getting an accurate head count to make sure everyone is out. An important part of any emergency response plan is to have designated exits for all locations within the building and to mark these clearly. An escape route sign must be located by all doors. Keeping exits clear and accessible is also essential.
Some employees may be designated, in certain emergencies, to stay back and begin the emergency response. This may include a hazardous materials team that is trained and properly equipped to handle small spills. It may be an employee with emergency response training who does a quick sweep of the building with respiratory protection. These duties must be clearly spelled out in the plan, and training and equipment must be supplied. These are extreme cases and should be coordinated with local emergency crews.
The plan must clearly define what an emergency is and what employees, in each of the various jobs or locations, is expected to do. They must be trained in the plan so they know their duties and expectations. Practicing various aspects of the emergency response plan is a key component, as well. Confusion is reduced by practicing and the comfort level rises. Not all aspects of the plan must be practiced, but the most likely scenarios, and the most extreme, should be drilled.
An emergency response plan is not going to cover every possible emergency. It should address the most likely scenarios and then have a general plan in place for major disasters. The evacuation will be much the same for a fire as for a chemical spill. A major storm may require "sheltering-in-place", just as a major hazardous material incident outside the building might. A general plan in place for all emergencies will help build a basic understanding of what is expected. Additional roles and responsibilities may come into play for more specific emergencies. A person should be designated in charge in any situation where the plan is called into play. This person would be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the plan and communicating with emergency crews. A "second-in-charge" should also be designated, or a regular chain or command established, should the first person be unable to perform their duties.
Coordinating with local emergency crews and setting up drills is a good way to practice, and adapt the plan. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has training available to help small businesses develop and implement a good emergency response plan. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration also offers guidance in helping with this planning process.