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The History of Polygraph

Performed in 1855 for the first time the blood pressure test. In 1908, for the first time used a blood pressure test in court, to determine whether the suspect is the person telling the truth or a lie. In 1914, studies began to examine the relationship between a lie and breathable.

In 1921 they invented the first polygraph machine, which was based on blood pressure and breathing, all the first polygraph past years included additions to the analog device, with a roll of paper on which ink paint pins connected to sensors of the polygraph. Polygraph test device today is computerized. Various electrodes connected person subject to the processor on one side and on the other computer and the result on the screen is generated by graphs.
Different uses of polygraph testing

In fact all relations between people, sometimes rising uncertainty about their reliability, it can be between two people, between worker and employer partners and the like.

Today the accepted uses of polygraph tests are:

Employee Polygraph tests - the roles have access to sensitive or classified material, who must undergo reliability testing.

Lack of trust between employer and employee wish Lmabid- when pass a polygraph test to prove his innocence.

Although the vessel for questioning Msftit- polygraph inspection is not admissible in a criminal trial, researchers often use this test to confirm or deny the investigation because it.

Trust between Drs-On suspicion when one spouse infidelity, most efficient way to solve the above allegations is through a polygraph probe.

Polygraph probes are reliable but there are several factors that disrupt its level of reliability such as:

Taking drugs, trauma, post-traumatic situations, unstable emotional state and so on. These conditions cause disruption of the subject's physical indices. Therefore, before any professional polygraph test examiner asks a series of questions to determine if the patient qualifies to pass the test or not.

Importantly polygraph tests admissible in civil and labor law cases. Acceptability of these tests fully subject to the consent of both parties involved, to pass the test.
How does a polygraph test?

During the polygraph checks, the person whose in charge of the process asks a series of questions from three different types:

Idle questions: To the subject at the beginning of the test will feel comfortable asking questions first, such as: Is your name..? Do you live in... ? Are you married? And the like.

Questions pressure: to see what the indicators of the patient during the press rather than a lie, ask him questions aimed at stress but are not relevant to the case, such as: Did you use drugs? Do something that does not take your time? Do take office supplies company you work for?

Relevant questions: when we know that the individual measures and the pressure against which we can compare. Ask relevant questions in case. Questions pressure mixed with relevant questions and the examiner marks for each answer to a question it is, so you can get accurate results.
 How can I tell whether the respondent was telling the truth or a lie?

If the indices of the relevant questions were higher than he would be lying, if indicators of stress questions were at the same level of relevant questions truthful man but is in a state of stress tests.
Who is authorized to pass a polygraph test?

Any man can be a polygraph examiner under the following conditions:

No criminal record.

Passed the ethics test tool.

Passed the audition Polygraph Association.

Proven experience of the tests.

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