How Can Fat Help You Lose Weight?
For years we have been brainwashed into believing that eating fat will make us fat.
Food marketing concentrates on labels which give us low fat versions of just about every food product.
However in the days of our grandparents there was no emphasis at all on lessening fat in the diet and they didn't suffer from the type of weight and health problems that we have today.
So how important a factor is fat intake in the area of gaining weight and in related health issues such as high cholesterol? Some fats are definitely not good for you.
Trans fat is the worst culprit as this does have quite a negative effect on bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.
Trans fats are found in many products and are used to prolong shelf life and add flavour.
The Governor of California has even passed a law banning any restaurant in LA from using Trans fats in their cooking.
You are also advised to steer clear of saturated fats from animal sources.
Most of these are also unhealthy and will make some contribution to weight gain and cholesterol levels.
A notable exception to unhealthy saturated fats is coconut oil.
This type of lipid consists of medium chain fatty acids which are easily converted by the liver into energy and therefore do not store in the body.
It also has great antifungal and anti-parasitic properties and is a great oil to take for detoxification.
Weight gain occurs mainly due to sugar and refined carbohydrates.
The later converts to sugar as well so we are mainly looking at sugar hitting the bloodstream.
The body's systems monitor the amount of blood sugar or glucose.
It cannot allow an overload.
So when there is an overload of sugar in the system the pancreas responds by secreting insulin.
This has the effect of converting the sugar to fat and stores the fat in the thighs, stomach, buttocks, etc.
- all of the places we don't want fat being stored.
Good fat will help you to lose fat.
Good fat will stop you from being hungry as it stabilises the blood sugar over a longer period of time.
For this reason it is a god idea to have some fat with every meal or snack.
Good fat will also help you to burn fat by releasing the fat store in the body.
Studies have also shown that it will help to reduce the fat around the mid-section.
Low fat diets will add to "gut fat".
So what is good fat? These are essential fatty acids such as those found in oily fish like Salmon.
It can also be obtained from avocados and olive oil.
As mentioned previously, organic coconut oil is also an excellent source of good fat.
These concepts may seem very foreign to people who have had the low-fat concept drummed into them by the media and other sources their entire life.
Just take a look at how unsuccessful the low-fat culture has been in reducing the average weight of people.
Isn't it time you tried a fresh approach.
This information is backed up by top dietitians and nutritionists, at least those that don't have vested interests.
Food marketing concentrates on labels which give us low fat versions of just about every food product.
However in the days of our grandparents there was no emphasis at all on lessening fat in the diet and they didn't suffer from the type of weight and health problems that we have today.
So how important a factor is fat intake in the area of gaining weight and in related health issues such as high cholesterol? Some fats are definitely not good for you.
Trans fat is the worst culprit as this does have quite a negative effect on bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.
Trans fats are found in many products and are used to prolong shelf life and add flavour.
The Governor of California has even passed a law banning any restaurant in LA from using Trans fats in their cooking.
You are also advised to steer clear of saturated fats from animal sources.
Most of these are also unhealthy and will make some contribution to weight gain and cholesterol levels.
A notable exception to unhealthy saturated fats is coconut oil.
This type of lipid consists of medium chain fatty acids which are easily converted by the liver into energy and therefore do not store in the body.
It also has great antifungal and anti-parasitic properties and is a great oil to take for detoxification.
Weight gain occurs mainly due to sugar and refined carbohydrates.
The later converts to sugar as well so we are mainly looking at sugar hitting the bloodstream.
The body's systems monitor the amount of blood sugar or glucose.
It cannot allow an overload.
So when there is an overload of sugar in the system the pancreas responds by secreting insulin.
This has the effect of converting the sugar to fat and stores the fat in the thighs, stomach, buttocks, etc.
- all of the places we don't want fat being stored.
Good fat will help you to lose fat.
Good fat will stop you from being hungry as it stabilises the blood sugar over a longer period of time.
For this reason it is a god idea to have some fat with every meal or snack.
Good fat will also help you to burn fat by releasing the fat store in the body.
Studies have also shown that it will help to reduce the fat around the mid-section.
Low fat diets will add to "gut fat".
So what is good fat? These are essential fatty acids such as those found in oily fish like Salmon.
It can also be obtained from avocados and olive oil.
As mentioned previously, organic coconut oil is also an excellent source of good fat.
These concepts may seem very foreign to people who have had the low-fat concept drummed into them by the media and other sources their entire life.
Just take a look at how unsuccessful the low-fat culture has been in reducing the average weight of people.
Isn't it time you tried a fresh approach.
This information is backed up by top dietitians and nutritionists, at least those that don't have vested interests.