Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Top 6 TEFL Destinations

If you've got an internationally recognised TEFL certificate tucked in your back pocket, there's a whole world of opportunity out there. But how do you decide where to go first? Here are our top tips for TEFL destinations:

1. Teach in China

Did you know that there are more people learning English in China than the entire population of the United States? That adds up to a massive demand for teachers, so certified TEFLers (that'll be you soon!) are welcomed with open arms! Plus, with delicious food, fascinating culture and loads of places to explore at the weekend, China is certainly the TEFL destination to beat!

Want to head out there yourself? On i-to-i's Teach in China Internship, you'll spend up to 5 amazing months getting paid teaching experience in China, with loads of support and free accommodation! Download this guide to teaching in China to find out more!

2. Teach in Thailand

Thailand's not just for sweaty backpackers who want to ‘find themselves' – it's also an amazing place for a TEFL adventure. People are friendly, students are enthusiastic and living costs are cheap – a perfect combination if there ever was one! Plus, the achingly beautiful beaches, serene temples and buzzing cities are all there to explore on your days off!

Want a Thai adventure of your own? Enrol in i-to-i's Teach in Thailand Internship and come October, you'll be at the start of a 4-month TEFL adventure, with generous living allowances, loads of support and free accommodation.

3. Teach in Indonesia

As the tourist industry booms on Indonesia's 17,500 beautiful islands, so too does the demand for English teachers, as locals try to cater to the needs of international visitors. Teach here and you'll discover one of the best kept secrets in the TEFL trade: lots of opportunities, great living conditions and plenty of opportunities for lazing on the beach!

Want to give Indonesia a whirl? i-to-i's hassle-free job placement service has plenty of opportunities available in Indonesia.

4. Teach in Ecuador

If you like the idea of the laid-back, South American pace of life, then Ecuador is for you. Not only is it totally chilled out, it's also one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world – with active volcanoes and rainforests teeming with all kinds of animals. It's also one of the cheapest countries in South America to live in, so your salary will certainly last you!

Want to give teaching in Ecuador a go? There are currently opportunities to teach in Ecuador through i-to-i's nifty job placement service.

5. Teach in South Korea

Rich, unique culture, friendly locals and miniscule living costs; no wonder TEFL teachers have started flocking to South Korea. Don't worry though – there are plenty of opportunities to go around, but don't wait around too long to experience this amazing country!

Want to experience teaching in South Korea for yourself? i-to-i currently offer opportunities in South Korea available through their job placement service. Request a consultation with an expert to find out more!

6. Teach in Japan

Want to sneak a peek under the lid of Japanese culture? Teaching English in Japan is the perfect way to do it: you'll be respected, have lots of chances to interact with the locals and get involved with loads of extra-curricular activities. The fact that it's the highest paying TEFL destination out there doesn't hurt either!

Want to teach in Japan? Find out how to get work in Japan through i-to-i's hassle free job placement service by requesting a consultation with an expert.

What do you think? What's your top TEFL destination?

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