Health & Medical Acne

Do you Want to Get Rid of your Acne Scars?

One of the most painful things about acne is the ugly scar they live behind. A reminder of the pains and embarrasement they must have caused previously. Most teenage and young adults worry more about the scars left behind than the acne lesions themselves.

As we all know acne scars are as a result of lesions (pimples) that had not healed, was opened up prematurely or had become inflamed. There are quite a number of genetic factors, which influence the size, frequency and type of scars and vary for different people. If you tend to see more acne scars on your skin it may be due to your particular skin color and your biological history.

Every acne sufferer knows that squeezing or picking open pimples would results in acne scars, but still the temptation to "pop" a fresh pimple is always available to you anytime you look at the mirror. You should avoid squeezing and picking your pimples because as you already know by now it only increases the number of "spots" on your face and leaves an unpleasantly looking skin behind.

Two types of acne scars exist; the first type is usually a spot of skin that is brown, pink or purple in color indicating that a pimple has been in that area of your skin. The second type of acne is known as an "ice pick" scar and it is the small hole you sometimes see on your skin where the lesion used to occupy. Inflamed lesions, such as cysts, pustules, or nodules are the major culprits in causing acne scars.

Your skin's own process of rebuilding the original color in the healing tissues results in the pigmented scars you see. You can lighten your acne scars by using various types of acne scar treatment, which are available to you, some of which include: bleaching creams, lotions or laser surgery. The type of acne scar treatment and products you use would depend on the type and the intensity of your acne lesions.

A common method of acne scar treatment is the use of certain chemicals to peel off your skin. Chemicals like salicylic or lactic acid, lycolic are used to peel off the damaged top layer of your skin. Such procedures stimulate the growth of a new and smoother layer. The peels are usually done over a period of time and are effective against pigmented scars. This acne scar treatment is even very effective for active acne.

Another type of acne scar treatment is dermabrasion or laser resurfacing. This usually involves the removal of the top layer of the skin with use of a high-speed rotary wire brush or diamond stone. Definitely more than one session is required for each scar and there is also the issue that in some cases it does not remove the acne scars, it just makes it less noticeable.

Also the use of laser resurfacing for acne scar treatments is gaining grounds in some circles. Just like the effects of sun exposure, doctors employ the use of a concentrated light from a laser beam to heat up some certain parts of the top layer of your skin. Among dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons this is more preferable than dermabrasion.

Although mild acne scars take sometime to disappear, usually about five to six weeks if using quality acne scar treatment products like Revitol's Acne gel. You should try a preventive approach by ensuring that you do not have breakouts any longer. The reasoning behind this is that if you do not solve the acne problem at its root by using an excellent skin care product you would end up having to clear a new set of acne scars left by fresh pimples.

To totally erase those spots off your face you should ensure that you do not have any active acne or it is under control. A skin care product like clear pores system is sure to remove the first issue of acne lesions on your skin. After the removal of acne from you skin, you should try revitol's acne gel, which would ensure that your dark spots and acne spots fade away.

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