Home & Garden Gardening

What Food Supplies Are Needed for a Young Plant?

    Chemical Dirt Fertilizers

    • Chemical dirt fertilizers can be bought at most home and garden stores and use chemicals to releases nutrients into the soil in a rapid fashion which allows the plants to have everything they need to grow the their proper size and color. These fertilizers are often high in salt content, which can be bad for the soil and the plant itself. While there are certain hearty plant like grass which can withstand the long-term effects of such fertilizers, most chemical fertilizers will be harmful to the plant and the soil over time.

    Organic Dirt Fertilizers

    • Organic dirt fertilizers are made from organic matter and bacteria, which process it into fertilizer. This is then collected and spread over the plants, as it is entirely natural and rich with nutrients which are perfect for healthy plant growth. As this process takes a bit more time, organic fertilizers are often much more expensive then chemical fertilizers. Different organic fertilizers are made for different types of plants and gardens, ranging from fertilizers to grow vegetables better, fruit better or just flowers better, as each are heavier in different nutrient amounts.

    Liquid Plant Food

    • A product called Young Plant Food, amongst other liquid products on the market, allows you to mix a solution out of it and water and provide all the nutrients a young growing plant needs to make it grow strong and healthy. This mixture can simply be watered onto the young plants once a week for a few weeks. Nutrients in the mixture include nitrogen which promotes the growth of leaves and shoots, calcium which makes the plant stronger and magnesium and iron, encouraging healthy growth.

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