Health & Medical Health Care

The Major Blocks to The Master Cleanse

There are some blocks in doing the master cleanse program.
You must remember this is a colon cleanse.
What the major problem is with most colon cleanses is that they are uncomfortable and trigger headaches and other body pains.
From my own experience and from my readings these side effects are actually natural.
The argument is raised that the body heals itself.
Which I believe is true.
But, all we are doing here is flushing toxins out of the body that has been there for years.
You can actually have undigested vitamins and other medications sitting in your colon.
Is it time for cleansing? You bet it is! If you have gas or constipation, you are a prime candidate for the Master Cleanse system.
If you have acne or have consistent low energy, not feeling very clean inside, then that would be an indicator that cleansing is in order.
Now I am not a doctor, if you have some severe symptoms then by all means see your doctor! Fear is one of the major blocks that arise.
Your think your body is asking for food, but it really isn't.
After the second day of the cleanse you feel better and not hungry.
You will be eating in a way but not chewing.
What occurs is that you feel hungry and you do go into a slight panic.
This is where you have to be strong.
There are some things one can do that won't throw The Master Cleanse into a tailspin and will relieve your hunger.
The headaches and discomforts will subside in a few days.
Thought in the book it says not to take aspirin, I did anyway and it did not destroy my weight loss or take me off the program.
What happens is that after the initial few days you will start feeling really good.
I don't know if you ever felt really clean inside and out.
After the sixth day that is where it really gets interesting.
Stuff and gunk is still coming out of your system in droves.
I know when I had seen what was there it blew me away.
The reason was that I couldn't believe what was still inside me.
The best reward was when you go on your scale and you see that you have dropped over 15 pounds in less than 5 days.
I can not quote statistics, but my own experience is that one loses about 2 - 3 pounds a day.
I don't know if that is typical but it certainly motivates you.
The best part is when you are starting to come off the program then you have an incredible opportunity to find out what foods work for you and what foods don't.
That is not the only thing, because it is at this point that you can start a good workout program and also gauge what you eat and its effects.
This is critical.
Here is where you start to really communicate with your body on what it really needs due to biochemical individuality.
I have discussed some of the blocks to The Master Cleanse System.
Doing this system alone for weight loss will not be sufficient.
I don't care what anyone else says.
Just doing a colon cleanse is not going to be the magic bullet.
It is a great way to start a new lifestyle that will promote health and help your body to do even better.
That is where you really want to take control.
This is where you can get the body that you want.
You have to be strong in other words committed to it or else it won't work for you.

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