Home & Garden Furniture

Easy Custom Home Office Furniture Ideas

Working from home has a lot of advantages, as more and more people are finding out these days.
Once you've made the transition, one of the easiest ways to reward yourself and to get your motivation and productivity up, is to personalize your workspace with custom home office furniture.
You can do it the expensive way, but you have the option of doing it the cheap way too, and this article will give you a few ideas on exactly how it's done.
The expensive way of course is to get your own personal interior designer and a team of master carpenters and artisans to design and make your home office.
It works for television reality shows, but you might want to do it in a more practical and realistic way.
The first thing to do is take a good long look at the space you plan to turn into your dream home office, and then devour all the interior design magazines, books, and websites you can.
The point is to get different ideas and different points-of-view.
There will come a point that you will look at a photo and know that that's what you were looking for.
Something is going to click, or maybe several things from different sources will assemble themselves in your mind.
When it happens, you'll know, and you'll have a great starting point.
Remember, there's no need to hurry.
Think of it as a work in progress, like an artist's masterpiece.
This is your masterpiece so don't make a rush job of it.
In the meantime, you can work on any old table at your house.
When you have a more or less clear idea of what furnishings you want, go and look for them.
A good idea is to explore the sales, close-outs and specials, because expenses can quickly get out of hand.
Watch for "going out of business" sales, even if the business is totally unrelated to yours.
All industries use office desks, chairs and shelves, and pieces that aren't exactly what you had in mind could be close enough with a little imagination.
Open your mind to the idea of getting used items.
This is where the customization will come in, when you take a can of paint to previously owned furniture and make it your own.
If you're handy with a hammer and saw, that's even better.
The process can take weeks, months, or even years.
Some people get so much into it that they never finish, always changing this and adjusting that.
That's where the fun is, and eventually you will have a workspace that's uniquely your own, filled with custom home office furniture that you worked on yourself!

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