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How to Find Out About a Disability Appeal

    How to find out about a disability appeal

    • 1). Have patience. Once your disability appeal has been processed by the Social Security office where you applied, your updated medical records will once again be requested by the officer assigned to your case. Receiving your files from all of your physicians may take weeks or months.

    • 2). Call the officer assigned to your case. When you appealed the decision on your disability benefits, you should have received a letter of confirmation from the Social Security office handling your case. After 90 days, if you have not yet received a response, call the case manager listed on this notification. If you cannot locate the name or phone number of your case manager, contact the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213 (TDD (800) 325-0778) or visit your nearest Social Security Administration office. Ask to speak to a claims representative who can give you a general update on the status of your case or can refer you to the disability examiner considering your appeal.

    • 3). Prepare to wait if you have requested an appeals hearing. If you formally requested an appeal hearing, it's likely that you could wait up to two years for a response. Most Social Security disability hearing offices are so overwhelmed with appeals cases that it takes, on average, more than 24 months to plead your case in front of a judge. However, if you have waited more than 18 months without any response at all, you can request an update on your case by contacting the Office of Hearings and Appeals at (800)772-1213 (TDD (800) 325-0778).

    • 4). Consult an attorney. If you have not already retained an attorney, hiring one can sometimes help speed up the appeal processl. Take advantage of free consultations and ask any potential attorneys what methods they have of getting results. Also request an estimate of how many appeal cases he or she has won for clients before deciding to pay a retainer. You can search for attorneys based on peer review ratings at

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