Business & Finance Credit

Credit Card Tips - Getting Pre Approved Credit Cards

Many people struggle with getting approved for credit cards.
  It can be very stressful worrying about whether you are going to get approved.
  But, this article will give you some credit card tips for getting pre approved credit cards.
Secret to Pre Approved Credit Cards Getting pre approved credit cards in the mail is easy.
Everybody receives them but actually being approved is a different matter.
If you have had good credit or no credit in the past, chance are you are on the mailing list to receive pre approved offers.
The best thing about these offers is that they are made to specifically entice you to apply for their cards with deals that at times seem too good to be true.
Before You Apply Visa is the most famous for all the junk mail that make most of these offers, but there is one thing you should do first before applying.
You must check your credit report for errors or false information.
It is important for you to know your credit report and score to minimize the number of times your credit score is checked by any lending institution.
The number of times that there is an inquiry into your credit score and history will factor in your overall credit score, so this has to be minimized.
Know what should be in your credit report and correct any anomalies that may appear.
Second Tip To Getting Pre Approved Credit Cards If you have a relationship with a lending institution like the bank that holds your mortgage, take a few of the pre approved offers you have received and ask them if they would like to match any of them.
If you are a long standing customer with a good history with them, they usually will make you an offer either just as good as or better than the one you received in the mail.
  This way circumvent the need for getting your credit card application approved by the card company.
There are many good credit card tips.
Getting pre approved credit cards are easy for people with a credit score above 700.
  Unfortunately, many people's credit is not that good.

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