Business & Finance Debt

Americans Can Now Get Out of Credit Card Debt by Erasing 50% of What They Owe

Credit card debt is now responsible for over 9/10 bankruptcies are filed in the United States each year.
The average American family is now holding at least $10,000 in debt that cannot be paid because of job loss during our recession.
Fact: However it is now legal to you erase the 50% of what you owe a your financial institution.
However them, many creditors rather you pay your minimum payment each month until you go broke.
Did you know a $1000 credit charge will cost you 24 years and payments if you only make the minimum payment? And 90% Americans can only afford to make the minimum payment.
Credit cards don't have to be a negative subject anymore as you can wipe out half of your credit card debt from your company.
The Obama administration has made many consumer protection laws to protect consumers from excessive interest fees because they too are in favor of Americans getting out of debt.
Companies that had lawyers that helped them get out of their debt have now published lots of free information that can help remove half of your credit card debt.
These little-known tactics and consumer protection laws are what will remove half of your debt.
The American government will stop high interest rates in the near future and every consumer that owes money to a credit card institution should research and find out if they can get half of their debt wiped out.
Mostly all bankruptcies are caused from bad credit card debt that people can no longer afford to pay.
Don't ruin your life, get out of debt now.

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