How to Draw a Raccoon
Nocturnal animal, Raccoon is a native of North and South America.
Growing up to around thirty-two inches in length, an adult raccoon generally weighs between eleven and eighteen pounds.
These animals are omnivores and use their sharp front paws and long fingers to hunt.
Their diet includes frogs, fish, insects, birds, eggs, fruits, nuts, and grains.
Raccoons usually find shelter in underground burrows or dens inside hollowed trees.
They are summer critters and generally hibernate during winter.
Raccoons are known to wash their food if they have access to a water body.
They douse the food in water several times, before eating it.
A raccoon has the basic body structure of a bear, but is much smaller.
It has a fox like face, stocky body, and a bushy tail with black rings on it.
It has distinct patches of dark fur around the eyes, which look like a mask and give it a cute, bandit like appearance.
The color of a raccoon generally ranges from grey to dark brown.
Things needed: 1.
Drawing sheet 2.
Drawing & shading pencils 3.
Eraser 4.
Crayons or Paints and brushes Steps to draw a raccoon: •Fundamental body framework: Draw a circle to form the head and another big one for the body.
•Eyes: Inside the face, draw two small circles for eyes and two large ovals behind each eye to highlight the patches.
Color or shade the patches so they stand out distinct from the eyes.
•Face: Draw two small triangles with rounded vertices on the top of head, depicting the ears.
Draw a round nose and two small semicircles open from the top for the snout.
Fill out the face by showing fur right under the ears and on both sides of the cheeks.
•Body: Now work on the shape of the body.
At the bottom of the body, sketch out the back paws.
Draw the front limbs from one-fourth way downwards of the body.
The fore paws can be drawn like slender human hands.
•Tail: Elongate the butt end a little and sketch out a long thick tail (like that of a squirrel).
The tail must be pointed and filled with stripes.
•Color: Use a light grey or brown color for the body and highlight the fur, patches behind the eyes, and the stripes in the tail, using a darker shade.
Tip: Refer to a photograph or another drawing to achieve better results.
Growing up to around thirty-two inches in length, an adult raccoon generally weighs between eleven and eighteen pounds.
These animals are omnivores and use their sharp front paws and long fingers to hunt.
Their diet includes frogs, fish, insects, birds, eggs, fruits, nuts, and grains.
Raccoons usually find shelter in underground burrows or dens inside hollowed trees.
They are summer critters and generally hibernate during winter.
Raccoons are known to wash their food if they have access to a water body.
They douse the food in water several times, before eating it.
A raccoon has the basic body structure of a bear, but is much smaller.
It has a fox like face, stocky body, and a bushy tail with black rings on it.
It has distinct patches of dark fur around the eyes, which look like a mask and give it a cute, bandit like appearance.
The color of a raccoon generally ranges from grey to dark brown.
Things needed: 1.
Drawing sheet 2.
Drawing & shading pencils 3.
Eraser 4.
Crayons or Paints and brushes Steps to draw a raccoon: •Fundamental body framework: Draw a circle to form the head and another big one for the body.
•Eyes: Inside the face, draw two small circles for eyes and two large ovals behind each eye to highlight the patches.
Color or shade the patches so they stand out distinct from the eyes.
•Face: Draw two small triangles with rounded vertices on the top of head, depicting the ears.
Draw a round nose and two small semicircles open from the top for the snout.
Fill out the face by showing fur right under the ears and on both sides of the cheeks.
•Body: Now work on the shape of the body.
At the bottom of the body, sketch out the back paws.
Draw the front limbs from one-fourth way downwards of the body.
The fore paws can be drawn like slender human hands.
•Tail: Elongate the butt end a little and sketch out a long thick tail (like that of a squirrel).
The tail must be pointed and filled with stripes.
•Color: Use a light grey or brown color for the body and highlight the fur, patches behind the eyes, and the stripes in the tail, using a darker shade.
Tip: Refer to a photograph or another drawing to achieve better results.