Writing My First Resume
Ah, the first resume.
Whether you are a go-getter, working that lemonade stand at nine (9) years old or just getting out of school and ready to plunge into the work force, a winning resume will make you stand out from the crowd.
Did you know that 50% of resumes are thrown out for things that are easily correctable such as spelling errors or bad grammar.
The unfortunate thing is, all of these mistakes take almost no time to fix before being printed.
Let's look at the basic resume using simple steps to guide you.
1) The Header - place your Name and contact information here in larger font size than the rest of the document.
Include first and last name, home address, home and cell phone numbers and professional email address.
(don't use funnymoney@satmail.
com, get a new one if necessary) 2).
The Job objective - read the posting and use the employers keywords to use in your resume.
Education - put down any schooling, dates attended and awards received.
Work Experience - list any companies, dates employed and major duties.
(don't include why you left EVER!, this can be discussed in the job interview) 5).
Achievements, military experience or hobbies.
This section can be adapted to your situation.
Put down the most positive thing you have.
Employers are looking for well-rounded individuals, Show them that this is you.
Use good quality paper stock (white or light cream) with a 12 point Times New Roman or Ariel font.
Make sure to have at least 2 humans check it for errors before printing.
You will be glad that you did.
That's it!
Whether you are a go-getter, working that lemonade stand at nine (9) years old or just getting out of school and ready to plunge into the work force, a winning resume will make you stand out from the crowd.
Did you know that 50% of resumes are thrown out for things that are easily correctable such as spelling errors or bad grammar.
The unfortunate thing is, all of these mistakes take almost no time to fix before being printed.
Let's look at the basic resume using simple steps to guide you.
1) The Header - place your Name and contact information here in larger font size than the rest of the document.
Include first and last name, home address, home and cell phone numbers and professional email address.
(don't use funnymoney@satmail.
com, get a new one if necessary) 2).
The Job objective - read the posting and use the employers keywords to use in your resume.
Education - put down any schooling, dates attended and awards received.
Work Experience - list any companies, dates employed and major duties.
(don't include why you left EVER!, this can be discussed in the job interview) 5).
Achievements, military experience or hobbies.
This section can be adapted to your situation.
Put down the most positive thing you have.
Employers are looking for well-rounded individuals, Show them that this is you.
Use good quality paper stock (white or light cream) with a 12 point Times New Roman or Ariel font.
Make sure to have at least 2 humans check it for errors before printing.
You will be glad that you did.
That's it!