Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Who Can Wear Soft Contact Lenses?

    Soft Lens Wearers

    • Anyone can wear soft contact lenses. Whether you have nearsightedness or farsightedness, or no eyesight problems at all, you can wear soft lenses.

    Forms of Soft Lenses

    • Soft contact lenses can be regular clear lenses used to help with correcting vision, or colored to change the appearance of the eyes. A new form of soft lenses called UV lenses was recently launched, designed to block UV rays from entering the eyes.


    • Although anyone can wear contact lenses, if you wear a prescription, your lens must be the exact prescription to help aid with your eyesight. For nearsightedness most contact lenses go from -0.50 to -30.00, and for farsightedness they go from +0.50 to +6.00.

    Specialty Soft Lenses

    • In addition to the new UV lenses, soft lenses also come in many different colors and designs. These lenses range from designs with words on them, to white contacts that make the wearer appear to have no pigment in their eyes.

    When Soft Lenses Aren't An Option

    • If you can't find soft contact lenses in your prescription, you may look into wearing glasses, or hard contact lenses. Hard lenses, called gas permeable lenses, are fitted by an eye doctor and are less likely to cause eye infections like soft contact lenses.

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