Protecting Your BAby Against Sudden Death Syndrome - SIDS
SIDS is the most bewildering and heartbreaking thing that can happen to your newborn. Sudden Death Syndrome (SIDS) is defined as occuring within the first year of your baby's life for no apparent reason. If this happens and their recovery mechanisms are not developed they won't be able breathe for themselves if they are deprived of oxygen.
Sudden Death Syndrome deaths have decreased in the last few years. There is not any way to know or predict if a baby is at risk for SIDS. By being deligient and keeping your environment safe for your baby will help to prevent SIDS.
You should put your baby on their back to sleep for the first year of their life. You can use baby pillow wedges to prevent them from rolling over. If you do let them sleep on their side be sure and put their little arm forward to prevent them from rolling on over on their stomach.
Check your baby's bedding and make sure that it is not loose or too fluffy. Do not allow their face to be obstructed. Be sure you don't wrap them up too tightly to get overheated. It is not a good idea to smoke around your baby or to let anyone else smoke around your baby. You will want to get a firm mattress and a safety approved crib. Use a baby movement monitor that fits under your baby's mattress to monitor your baby's breathing. This is a great tool to use for premature babies. This monitor will sound an alarm alerting you to any possible danger if your baby stops breathing.
There are some indications when you would want to use a baby movement monitor. If your baby has had life threatening issues and have turned blue or needed to be resuscitated. Another reason to use a monitor would be if they had an older sibling who died of SIDS. And of course another reason would be if they were premature.
You may want to consider using a baby movement monitor especially if any of the above reasons have occured. This is an additional method to use to monitor their breathing while they are asleep. To insure that their lungs are fully developed keep all their doctor appointments and make sure they have all their immunizations. Creating a safe environment for your baby is the best way you can keep them safe.
Sudden Death Syndrome deaths have decreased in the last few years. There is not any way to know or predict if a baby is at risk for SIDS. By being deligient and keeping your environment safe for your baby will help to prevent SIDS.
You should put your baby on their back to sleep for the first year of their life. You can use baby pillow wedges to prevent them from rolling over. If you do let them sleep on their side be sure and put their little arm forward to prevent them from rolling on over on their stomach.
Check your baby's bedding and make sure that it is not loose or too fluffy. Do not allow their face to be obstructed. Be sure you don't wrap them up too tightly to get overheated. It is not a good idea to smoke around your baby or to let anyone else smoke around your baby. You will want to get a firm mattress and a safety approved crib. Use a baby movement monitor that fits under your baby's mattress to monitor your baby's breathing. This is a great tool to use for premature babies. This monitor will sound an alarm alerting you to any possible danger if your baby stops breathing.
There are some indications when you would want to use a baby movement monitor. If your baby has had life threatening issues and have turned blue or needed to be resuscitated. Another reason to use a monitor would be if they had an older sibling who died of SIDS. And of course another reason would be if they were premature.
You may want to consider using a baby movement monitor especially if any of the above reasons have occured. This is an additional method to use to monitor their breathing while they are asleep. To insure that their lungs are fully developed keep all their doctor appointments and make sure they have all their immunizations. Creating a safe environment for your baby is the best way you can keep them safe.