Health & Medical Women's Health

Calculating Ovulation to Know Your Most Fertile Days

When we decided to have a family, I quickly realized how it all comes down to timing: timing with my cycle, timing with our schedules and eventually timing with a fertility specialist.
One thing I learned during the process is that you have to become knowledgeable on the subject of conception and pregnancy.
The best place to start is to learn about calculating ovulation so that you will know when your most fertile days are.
Fortunately for many couples, simply calculating ovulation is all that they need to do to help them achieve their goal of pregnancy.
There are many ways that you can go about calculating ovulation.
The simplest way to go about doing this is to use an ovulation calculator which allows you to calculate your most fertile days each simply by inserting the first day of your last menstrual cycle as well as the average number of days in your cycle.
In order to gain a little more information about your cycle, many doctors recommend calculating ovulation by charting your basal body temperature to see when you typically ovulate each month.
At ovulation, your basal body temperature will rise.
After charting each month you can compare the charts, thus calculating ovulation by the average day your basal body temperature rises each month.
Calculating ovulation is just one of the many things that you can do to help you on your journey to parenthood.
While calculating ovulation is a good starting point, there are many other things that you can do to increase your odds of getting pregnant.
For your free mini course on pregnancy and increasing your fertility, visit http://www.

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