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Massage In Vancouver- Relaxation, Stress Relief and Health

Massage is both science and art and is considered as the most natural methods of healing stress and relief. Mostly people choose prescribed medications to reduce stress and relax after a hard week at work and not only working people, but also many professional athletes undergo massage treatment for tired muscles, torn ligaments and twisted ankles.

You have lots of options if you are looking for a Massage In Vancouver, here you will find well-trained medical massage therapists who treat clients by using their hands to manipulate the soft-tissue muscles of the body. With their therapy the therapists relieve pain and stress, help the clients rehabilitate form the injury and increase relaxation.

Massage has been there in many cultures for thousands of years as a healing tool. Touching to relieve the pain and stress is the common human reaction; think when the last time you hit your head hard on a wall, what was your first action? You rubbed it right? Throughout the world, over the period of time healers has developed a wide range of therapeutic technique using touch. It has also been proved that massage is beneficial for patients with chronic non specific low back pain and is considered to be long lasting at least one year after the sessions.

There are few Vancouver Massage therapists who are highly trained and with their vast experience will ensure that you are healed and relaxed on your first visit. There are several massage techniques that are practiced by them like:
  • Lymphatic drainage: Not just a technique, but a tool used by the few certified therapist to reduce swelling and is proved to be the best treatment option patients suffering from lymphedema.
  • Traction- It is used by the therapists to treat low-back and neck pain by pulling on the spine. But make sure your therapist is trained and experienced before going for this therapy as the approach can be different for different problems.
  • Friction massage- Mainly as a treatment for tendinitis.
  • Therapeutic touch- It does not include the physical touch, but hovering over the body and manipulating the patient's aura.

Massage offers a drug free treatment and a humanistic approach based on the principle of body's natural ability to heal. Some of the other benefits of massage is that it increases circulation, and enables the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients, reduces cramps and increase joint flexibility, helps in reduces recovery time and relaxes injured and overused muscles.

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