Copywriting Secrets Part 2 - Five More Techniques That Force Your Readers To Buy
Continuing from Part 1, here are five more copywriting techniques that will help you increase sales and turn more of your visitors into buyers and lifelong customers. Even as an affiliate marketer these copywriting skills are priceless. Your competition is using them and I guarantee if you are not you will lose the sale to someone else who does everytime.
1) The Example Technique
Your copywriting is for one purpose - it is to get the reader to click on that "Buy Now" button and preferably before they are even finished reading. Using examples in your copy can greatly increase your sales. For example.... Get the point already? By following up with an example you can drill home any point you wish for maximum effect.
2) The Excitement Technique
Be excited! Let the fact that you are excited about what you are presenting to your reader show through. Copywriting that is exciting and invigorating will literally transfer the same feelings to the reader. You can also do this with pictures on a website. I have used a simple "thumbs-up" graphic next to a lead capture page and watched my subscriber conversion rates increase immediately. Copywriting skill does not always just involve words. Test things out and see what you can come up with. Just know that if you want to get your reades excited about the product in question you better be excited yourself. They will instinctively know if you are not and move on.
3) The Challenge Technique
Copywriting that challenges a reader to make certain actions is very useful. I tend to use a challenge more at the end of an ad or a salespage, and always at the bottom of a lead capture page. You can even dare your reader to subscribe to your newsletter or sign up for a free trial of your product. Tell them you will make a bet with them. If your product does not solve their problem or help them accomplish their goal, you will throw in a free one until they find the solution. This is just a suggestion and I am sure you can come up with your own version of this copywriting technique.
4) The Introduction Technique
I like to use this technique most of the time. As an affiliate marketer, introducing yourself in your copywriting is a wonderful way to brand yourself and add credibility to your offer. The product must be good if you are willing to put your face, your name and your credibility on the line for it, right? As an affiliate you won't be making too many sales if you sell garbage that has your personal recommendation, picture and name on it! Your readers will unconciously recognize this too. This copywriting technique is most powerful when employed along with a product review or a personal testimonial.
5) The "Less Is Best" Technique
If you read part one of this article, you will notice it also has five techniques. That is ten techniques total. I chose to only list five at a time for a reason. I generally will not use more than five points in my copywriting either. Sometimes you can give someone too much information. Even if your product or service has thousands of good points to it that you want to make, you cannot expect your reader to take it all in at one time. The last thing you want your reader to do is get turned off or burned out by your copywriting and leave your site or delete your email.
Well there you go! There are five more solid copywriting techniques you can start employing in your affiliate marketing business. Remember that less is best. This goes for you too as you attempt to utilize one or more of these techniques. Test out each one and do not try to incorporate them all into your presentation right away. Eventually you will find what flows for you and your customers.
1) The Example Technique
Your copywriting is for one purpose - it is to get the reader to click on that "Buy Now" button and preferably before they are even finished reading. Using examples in your copy can greatly increase your sales. For example.... Get the point already? By following up with an example you can drill home any point you wish for maximum effect.
2) The Excitement Technique
Be excited! Let the fact that you are excited about what you are presenting to your reader show through. Copywriting that is exciting and invigorating will literally transfer the same feelings to the reader. You can also do this with pictures on a website. I have used a simple "thumbs-up" graphic next to a lead capture page and watched my subscriber conversion rates increase immediately. Copywriting skill does not always just involve words. Test things out and see what you can come up with. Just know that if you want to get your reades excited about the product in question you better be excited yourself. They will instinctively know if you are not and move on.
3) The Challenge Technique
Copywriting that challenges a reader to make certain actions is very useful. I tend to use a challenge more at the end of an ad or a salespage, and always at the bottom of a lead capture page. You can even dare your reader to subscribe to your newsletter or sign up for a free trial of your product. Tell them you will make a bet with them. If your product does not solve their problem or help them accomplish their goal, you will throw in a free one until they find the solution. This is just a suggestion and I am sure you can come up with your own version of this copywriting technique.
4) The Introduction Technique
I like to use this technique most of the time. As an affiliate marketer, introducing yourself in your copywriting is a wonderful way to brand yourself and add credibility to your offer. The product must be good if you are willing to put your face, your name and your credibility on the line for it, right? As an affiliate you won't be making too many sales if you sell garbage that has your personal recommendation, picture and name on it! Your readers will unconciously recognize this too. This copywriting technique is most powerful when employed along with a product review or a personal testimonial.
5) The "Less Is Best" Technique
If you read part one of this article, you will notice it also has five techniques. That is ten techniques total. I chose to only list five at a time for a reason. I generally will not use more than five points in my copywriting either. Sometimes you can give someone too much information. Even if your product or service has thousands of good points to it that you want to make, you cannot expect your reader to take it all in at one time. The last thing you want your reader to do is get turned off or burned out by your copywriting and leave your site or delete your email.
Well there you go! There are five more solid copywriting techniques you can start employing in your affiliate marketing business. Remember that less is best. This goes for you too as you attempt to utilize one or more of these techniques. Test out each one and do not try to incorporate them all into your presentation right away. Eventually you will find what flows for you and your customers.