Sleeping Performers or Slipping Performance
Territorial behaviour of animals has a very deep implicit meaning. Protect or perish. The challenge faced by all the life forms in the biome is how to exist successfully before they exit. The successful existence always has to meet two meaningful things viz., food and safety from predation.
Different forms of adaptations, skills and traits have been developed by different animals over the course of time were only to meet the above continuous existential need. Every animals have to protect their habitat/territory & avoid conflicts/overlapping and if necessary, win the battle.
Compulsion and meaningful existence was the key for adaptation and success of animal kingdom. Protecting and safeguarding the territory was the fundamental responsibility every animal.
The modern corporate has to learn this and administer the same upon its employees. Compulsion and meaningful existence should be implicated into every employee otherwise the door to exit must be made visible to them. Nature is full of facts and figures of successful adaptations, species diversity, habitat selection etc.
Every corporate must have employees who are willing to adapt within and have the ability and vision to bring adaptation in the organization to take the challenge and move forward.
No single animal in the ecosystem, not even a microbe will afford to think that nature will take care and it can rest and relax. It has to fight and survive. It has to face the challenge from its own habitat and from neighborhood.
No animal will get protection even habitat where the animal has been living for many years, because the challenges are diverse and varying with time. Employees should be made to feel that they have the compulsion to perform, the compulsion from the organization and compulsion to exist hence perform. The great fallacy and corporate comfort seriously affecting the performance and performance potential of people at large. Being a big corporate, callous performance seldom gets notices is also one notion gaining space and recognition.
Even the social or gregarious animals never believe in any form of social security other than perform or perish. It is true for a single celled microbe and a giant whale in the sea.
Different forms of adaptations, skills and traits have been developed by different animals over the course of time were only to meet the above continuous existential need. Every animals have to protect their habitat/territory & avoid conflicts/overlapping and if necessary, win the battle.
Compulsion and meaningful existence was the key for adaptation and success of animal kingdom. Protecting and safeguarding the territory was the fundamental responsibility every animal.
The modern corporate has to learn this and administer the same upon its employees. Compulsion and meaningful existence should be implicated into every employee otherwise the door to exit must be made visible to them. Nature is full of facts and figures of successful adaptations, species diversity, habitat selection etc.
Every corporate must have employees who are willing to adapt within and have the ability and vision to bring adaptation in the organization to take the challenge and move forward.
No single animal in the ecosystem, not even a microbe will afford to think that nature will take care and it can rest and relax. It has to fight and survive. It has to face the challenge from its own habitat and from neighborhood.
No animal will get protection even habitat where the animal has been living for many years, because the challenges are diverse and varying with time. Employees should be made to feel that they have the compulsion to perform, the compulsion from the organization and compulsion to exist hence perform. The great fallacy and corporate comfort seriously affecting the performance and performance potential of people at large. Being a big corporate, callous performance seldom gets notices is also one notion gaining space and recognition.
Even the social or gregarious animals never believe in any form of social security other than perform or perish. It is true for a single celled microbe and a giant whale in the sea.