Technology Technology

Comparison of A+ 2003 with A+ 2006 Certification

One of the largest programs in the world for certification is the A+ Certification program. The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) develops and sponsors A+ Certification which is a worldwide association of IT companies that focus on setting standardizations regarding the qualifications of those working in the IT industry. There are many members of CompTIA you would recognize like Dell, Microsoft, IBM, Lotus, Compaq, and many others.

In fact, A+ is probably the most popular certifications for PC repair not to mention the most recognized. That's because it has received a large amount of support from the entire IT industry. There are some other reasons why A+ certification [] is well received. First of all, most vendors, professional bodies, manufacturers, and service providers worldwide support A+ Certification. As a result it is important to have A+ certification training [] if you are trying to become an IT service provider. Another reason is that there are lots of IT certifications out there, but A+ is the only generic one worldwide! People who are A+ certified prove they are skilled, knowledgeable, and capable of offering support to users for their PC and related devices. A+ certification focuses on technical support, which is IT's busiest area.

There are two different types of A+ certification, A+ 2003 and A+ 2006. Most people take an A+ course to help prepare them for their certification exams and this is a good idea. The biggest difference between the two courses is that the 2006 version is more up to date however any IT professional should be A+ 2003 and A+ 2006 certified in order to offer the necessary support to users.

There are some technical requirements in order to become A+ certified. These include showing knowledge and capability of supporting microcomputers. There are two modules that must be passed in order to show this competence and they include A+ Operating System Technology as well as A+ Core. Both of these exams are practical and determine if the exam taker has adequate knowledge on troubleshooting, installing, upgrading, configuring, and repairing systems. Other knowledge tested on the Operating System Technologies exam includes information on Operating Systems, Command Line Prompt, and other relevant information.

Similar information is tested on both the 2003 and 2006 A+ certification exams, however it is important to take a course to ensure you have the correct knowledge to be an IT professional and offer support to every day users.

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