How to Get Pregnant - Even With a Blocked Fallopian Tube
So, you've been diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes, or you're trying to conceive and you suspect you have a tubal blockdage (or two).
What can you do to help yourself? Let's look at what exactly the fallopian tubes are, and how they get blocked in the first place: They are a pair of small tubes that link the ovaries to the uterus, and are sometimes called uterine tubes, salpinges or oviducts.
They're approximately 7 to 14 cm long, and start at the top corner of the uterus and move outwards to form a structure called the fibria.
The fallopian tubes are vital for conception to take place, but they are extremely fragile and as such must be given due importance.
The fallopian tubes consist of strong muscle tissue, covered by ciliated cells.
Ciliated cells are cells that have microscopic hair-like projections that push objects towards the uterus.
The ciliated cells are protected with a thin mucus to keep the fallopian tubes soft and pliable, and to sustain optimal survival conditions for sperm and eggs.
Fallopian tubes can become blocked because of inflammation, infections, liquids, or scarring and adhesions.
Salpingitis is when the they are swollen due to an infection.
Usually, the cause of salpingitis is pelvic inflammatory disease (or PID for short).
Salpingitis can result in the walls of the tubes sticking together, which causes them to become blocked, thereby greatly reducing the chances of conception.
Salpingitis can cause nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pains or lower back pains.
If left untreated, it causes infertility or tubal pregnancies.
The next reason behind fallopian tube blockage is hydrosalpinx.
A hydrosalpinx takes place when the fluid accumulates in them.
This fluid is secreted by the the cellular lining as lubricant.
In a healthy woman, this lubricant runs from the fimbria- the part of the oviducts nearest to the ovaries, in the direction of the uterus.
The primary reason women develop a hydrosalpinx is pelvic inflammatory disease, alternatively it is also the result of foreign bacteria overgrowth, endometriosis, or even scars left from surgery.
For years a hydrosalpinx can go undetected because it often does not cause any symptoms.
In some cases you might feel a dull pelvic pain, but most of the time it is undetected because of the lack of symptoms.
Conditions similar to a hydrosalpinx include: Pyosalpinx - this is when a fallopian tube is filled with pus and starts to expand from within Hematosalpinx - This the state when it is filled with blood and causes the tubes to become distended.
Additionally, blocked fallopian tubes are caused by an adhesion.
This is when tissues are abnormally connected by bands of fibrous tissue, as a result of injury, surgery, endometriosis or scarring after inflammation.
When adhesions grow in or around these delicate organs, they can result in the salpinges becoming twisted, or the lining of the fallopian tubes becoming stuck together.
Fallopian tube blockage is one of the most common causes of female infertility.
Thankfully, blocked fallopian tubes can be opened up, because of medical technology.
While medicine and surgery work for numerous women, there are risks relating to these procedures.
Some surgeries can perforate the bowel or other organs, or cause irreversible damage to the oviducts, which can leave you with the most expensive option for getting pregnant: IVF.
If you're looking to avoid surgery and all the risks and side effects associated with surgery, you may wish to consider other options.
Natural remedies offer a safe, holistic way to open up your tubes while improving your overall health.
Examples of these natural remedies include herbal tampons, fallopian tube massage and body cleansing for fertility.
Do these natural ways to unblock the fallopian tube work? Yes, they do.
In my clinic, I see women every day who have fertility challenges, such as blocked fallopian tubes, and have had excellent success rates in helping them to conceive.
All it takes really, is time, effort and commitment.
What can you do to help yourself? Let's look at what exactly the fallopian tubes are, and how they get blocked in the first place: They are a pair of small tubes that link the ovaries to the uterus, and are sometimes called uterine tubes, salpinges or oviducts.
They're approximately 7 to 14 cm long, and start at the top corner of the uterus and move outwards to form a structure called the fibria.
The fallopian tubes are vital for conception to take place, but they are extremely fragile and as such must be given due importance.
The fallopian tubes consist of strong muscle tissue, covered by ciliated cells.
Ciliated cells are cells that have microscopic hair-like projections that push objects towards the uterus.
The ciliated cells are protected with a thin mucus to keep the fallopian tubes soft and pliable, and to sustain optimal survival conditions for sperm and eggs.
Fallopian tubes can become blocked because of inflammation, infections, liquids, or scarring and adhesions.
Salpingitis is when the they are swollen due to an infection.
Usually, the cause of salpingitis is pelvic inflammatory disease (or PID for short).
Salpingitis can result in the walls of the tubes sticking together, which causes them to become blocked, thereby greatly reducing the chances of conception.
Salpingitis can cause nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pains or lower back pains.
If left untreated, it causes infertility or tubal pregnancies.
The next reason behind fallopian tube blockage is hydrosalpinx.
A hydrosalpinx takes place when the fluid accumulates in them.
This fluid is secreted by the the cellular lining as lubricant.
In a healthy woman, this lubricant runs from the fimbria- the part of the oviducts nearest to the ovaries, in the direction of the uterus.
The primary reason women develop a hydrosalpinx is pelvic inflammatory disease, alternatively it is also the result of foreign bacteria overgrowth, endometriosis, or even scars left from surgery.
For years a hydrosalpinx can go undetected because it often does not cause any symptoms.
In some cases you might feel a dull pelvic pain, but most of the time it is undetected because of the lack of symptoms.
Conditions similar to a hydrosalpinx include: Pyosalpinx - this is when a fallopian tube is filled with pus and starts to expand from within Hematosalpinx - This the state when it is filled with blood and causes the tubes to become distended.
Additionally, blocked fallopian tubes are caused by an adhesion.
This is when tissues are abnormally connected by bands of fibrous tissue, as a result of injury, surgery, endometriosis or scarring after inflammation.
When adhesions grow in or around these delicate organs, they can result in the salpinges becoming twisted, or the lining of the fallopian tubes becoming stuck together.
Fallopian tube blockage is one of the most common causes of female infertility.
Thankfully, blocked fallopian tubes can be opened up, because of medical technology.
While medicine and surgery work for numerous women, there are risks relating to these procedures.
Some surgeries can perforate the bowel or other organs, or cause irreversible damage to the oviducts, which can leave you with the most expensive option for getting pregnant: IVF.
If you're looking to avoid surgery and all the risks and side effects associated with surgery, you may wish to consider other options.
Natural remedies offer a safe, holistic way to open up your tubes while improving your overall health.
Examples of these natural remedies include herbal tampons, fallopian tube massage and body cleansing for fertility.
Do these natural ways to unblock the fallopian tube work? Yes, they do.
In my clinic, I see women every day who have fertility challenges, such as blocked fallopian tubes, and have had excellent success rates in helping them to conceive.
All it takes really, is time, effort and commitment.