Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Advances in Drug Delivery to the Posterior Segment

Advances in Drug Delivery to the Posterior Segment

Suprachoroidal Drug Delivery Via Microsurgical Cannula

Olsen et al. studied an approach to posterior segment drug delivery by cannulating the suprachoroidal space via a novel microsurgical technique. In a primate and porcine-based study, Olsen et al. demonstrated safety, tolerability and effective pharmacokinetics after suprachoroidal delivery of multiple substances including triamcinolone. Successful delivery of triamcinolone to adjacent tissues was demonstrated to last at least 120 days in sacrificed animals and deleterious side effects such as ocular hypertension and cataract were not reported with suprachoroidal delivery. Another porcine-based study by Olsen et al. demonstrated that certain molecules may be more susceptible to rapid clearance from the suprachoroidal space and less effective than traditional delivery routes. In this study, bevacizumab injected into the vitreous remained detectable in target tissues of the inner retina 30–60 days after injection, whereas bevacizumab delivered via cannulation of the suprachoroidal space was no longer detectable 1 week after delivery.

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