Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Why Diabetics Have to Be Careful

There's more to diabetes than meets the eye.
Although this may be a disease associated with high blood sugar, it makes the body vulnerable to more diseases.
Unfortunately, if you're a diabetic, this really cannot be avoided.
Experts and doctors, however, are going to great lengths in order to limit the complications.
One of the worst complications that diabetes could cause the patient is Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
In fact, in the 1920s, it was considered as a very deadly disease.
Thanks to science and modern technology, the mortality rate of people who had this was reduced to 5%.
What is this sickness? Why do diabetics suffer this? Well, whether you have Type I or Type II, you are prone to having low levels of insulin.
When the body realizes that there is not much to use, this results to burning fatty acids.
This in turn produces ketone bodies.
Although these might not be that harmful (since these are used for energy for the brain when people fast), high levels may cause complications as Ketosis and Ketoacidosis.
As you can see, these ketone bodies are acidic and can greatly affect the pH level of the blood.
Symptoms and complications such as confusion, gasping, nausea, vomiting and even comatose can occur with patients.
One of the best ways to avoid this is through insulin therapies, as well as drinking lots of water to reverse dehydration.
Remember, if you are a diabetic, you are very vulnerable to this type of disease.
Always remember to have a regular check up and take your medicine religiously.
Remember, even though there are ways to treat this, Diabetic Ketoacidosis is one cause of deaths in the past years.

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